
[原创]BJ 6.18 Check

[日期:2005-01-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Julang [字体: ]

本人情况:男,在北京签Top 30 Univ. MBA

在预约签证前一个星期左右从一个朋友处得到了ChaseDream的网址,如饥似渴地拜读了很多热心的XDJM写的非常详细的签经,获益匪浅,包括签证资料清单的准备、面试的态度(反驳、人性化)、对关键问题的准备(我重点准备了三个主要问题:Why do you want to go to US for an MBA? What’s your career plan? Why will you come back to China after graduation?),等等。


自6月16日起,我就睡不安稳了,有点紧张,脑子里满是上述几个关键问题,在标准清单外,特地准备了单位领导的SL、我公司在Merrill Lynch的养老金帐户关于我的帐目的清单、纳税证明、工作合同等。


7:15到达使馆(后来一想太早了),碰上几位从武汉远道来的同仁,就与他们聊了起来。其中一位MM告诉我,不要进去太早。于是磨蹭到8:50进使馆,交表,桔红色条,排队,排队时喝了3杯水,上了4次厕所。保安领了两次,最后排到4号窗口。在我之前一位MM F1刚刚被拒绝。我想我还有一会儿,没想到紧接着VO就喊我的名字(9:40左右),估计是我的表格比较醒目(蓝色ZEBRA签字笔填的)。我赶紧就上去了。正准备和VO大战,VO被叫开1分多钟。VO回来后,看我的资料,我也赶紧看了以下,确信他没有拿错。

VO: (looking at my DS-156 table)
Me: Good morning!
VO: So you are going to US for a Master’s degree?
Me: Yes, I am going to **** Univ. for a full-time MBA, with concentrations in Finance and Accounting, and possibly a third concentration in E-commerce.
VO: I see. So you are going to spend a lot of money for your MBA?
Me: I am happy that the school offers me most of the tuition.
VO: (looking at the I-20) So you are going to spend USD54,000 on your MBA?
(At this time, the VO stood up and started to collect my materials. I felt that he was going to deny my application.)
VO: So you are going to spend a lot of money on your MBA and I am not convinced … (not finished yet)
Me: (before he pushed the materials to me) I have much more funds than what is needed for my MBA. I have worked for an American company for eight and half years and the company is refinancing its debt in China. They need me to provide help in this regard. Officer, please reconsider (low but firm tone)!
VO: (sat down again in front of the computer) You want to study MBA, not finance. Why don’t you pursue an MBA in China, like Beijing. There are a lot of good MBAs in China.
Me: But a full-time American MBA is much more valuable, I mean, in terms of content of gold. And two years are very fast.
VO: So will you come back to China after your study? What’s your plan after your study?
Me: I will definitely come back to China. Before making me an offer, **** Univ. sent me an email asking me to clarify my career goals. I wrote back confirming that I would come back. Do you want to take a look of the school’s letter and my confirmation? Also my supervisor wrote a letter to you confirming that he will hire me after my graduation. (show him the school’s email and my confirmation letter, but the VO did not look at it.)
VO: Please show me your supervisor’s letter. (after taking a look) Your SL only says “hopefully return”. So you will come back to the same company (a little bit suspicious).
Me: Yes. They need me as a person of high integrity (interrupted)
VO: How long have you worked?
Me: 14 years.
VO: (typing on the computer) How long have you worked for your current company?
Me: 8.5 years. I am responsible for operational and financial reporting of the ****** Plant to our company.
VO: (typing on the computer) What’s your salary?
Me: USD1,500 per month not including bonus. Besides, I have pension funds in Merrill Lynch and I have brought with me a certificate of that.
VO: (typing on the computer) Can I have a look of your financial certificate?
Me: Of course. (handed it to him. The certificate from Bank of China certifies I have USD65,000)
VO: Can I have a look of you pension plan?
Me: (handed it to him) Please see this number, it’s almost USD20,000 (pointed to the sum number).
VO: Are you married?
Me: Yes.
VO: Do you have any children?
Me: One daughter, three years old.
VO: Will your wife and daughter join you in the US?
Me: No.
VO: So I will put in the computer that your wife and child will not go to US to join you?
Me: (not prepared for this question) That’s all right although I love them very much.
VO: It seems that I will issue you a visa. But due to computer problem, I will call you about one week later.

很多准备的材料VO都没看。随即VO把我的DS-156、DS-157、DS-158表格、I-10表、SL留下了。给了我一张A4大小的蓝纸,写了“Till Call”(?),字迹不是很清楚,并签了名。




我现在已准备好蓝条上的项目:结婚证原件,户口本复印件,与家人的照片,公司网页打印、FACT SHEET、高官名单,赴美日程安排等(预估抵达日期、返回日期2005年5月31日-按I-20表、联系人和地址-按I-20表,无航班信息)。







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