
[已录] UCI MPAc Skype Interview with Jana [2019.02.19]

[日期:2019-04-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:warriorchampion [字体: ]

LZ 来回馈 CD 了,面试和 Jana 一共25分钟


  1. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself
  2. How was the two year exchange experience (lz 两年 UCSD exchange)
  3. Tell me more about your internship
  4. How team in the internship 我问了两遍,说你说啥 I'm sorry what was your question 才明白问的是我实习时候在团队里怎么样
  5. 然后问我实习中 biggest challenge
  6. 问我实习这么长时间 how is my role change,因为我从去年7月就开始实习一直到现在
  7. 问我上的课里最 challenge 的课程讲一讲
  8. 问我这么多课外活动我最想 highlight 哪个 and talk little bit more about it
  9. 问我做这么多事又课外活动又上课 how do I stay organized
  10. Short term and long term goal
  11. "In terms of particular location when you do finish your schooling do you have particular area you are interested in?" 
    我以为是毕业后工作的地点 ,也不知道理解对没有
  12. Why Merage School
  13. Where you heard our program
  14. What other schools I also apply 和选校考虑的 factor when making final decision
  15. “我问你问完了你有啥问题想问我的”


Timeline 超级超级长了:

赶 11.15 的 ddl 提交了材料
然后 lz 一直等结果没递送雅思成绩,12月20才送12月22才到才算齐
1.23 start review + Kira invitation
1.29 Kira submit---
2.12 Skype interview invitation
2.19 Skype interview with Jana
3.6 AD w/5000

这是我第一个提交申请的北美最后一个收到的消息,其他是 UC Davis Mpac-waitlist, UCSD Mpac-denial




打印 | 录入:steven


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