
[已录] UCD MSBA 面经 with Mehul [2019.02.28]

[日期:2019-04-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:raynaji [字体: ]

我的 timeline:

1.16 网申
1.29 kira
2.15 interview invitation
2.28 interview
3.5 offer
3.1 在网页上拿到了 Georgetown MSiA 的 offer

kira 面经造福一下大家:

  1. One of the major professional accomplishments?
  2. Why MSBA at UCD?
  3. What company or industry you want to work after completing your MSBA degree?

我当时搜集的其他 Kira questions 一并放在这里:

  1. How a MSBA program would help you to achieve your career goal?
  2. 在 PS 上体现的能力中,你最看重哪一种,为什么?
  3. If there is only one seat left in this class, tell us why you belong in that seat.
  4. Tell me a time when you had to pursuade a team
  5. The hardest decision you have made
  6. Share with us a time you made a decision, and what you would do differently knowing what you know now.
  7. Tell us about a time when you delegate in a project, what did you do? What learned?
  8. 3 attributes for team leader. elaborate on one most important
  9. 如何计算全中国的飞机起降数
  10. Tell us about a time you failed, and what you learned from the experience


我搜集了往年的 interview 貌似是 Amy 和印度老师 Sanjay,但是今年貌似都是 Mehul,也是一个印度老师,面试是在 Zoom 上,建议大家先打开邮件里的链接下载一下 Zoom App,提前注册登录一下,我当时提前半小时才发现这个东西然后弄的,有点心慌。

  1. 一开始他先自我介绍,是一个统计老师。
  2. 然后问了 quantitative courses,具体学了什么内容,calculus 学了什么,linear algebra 有没有学 eigon value 特征值之类
  3. 问了我一段实习,因为用到了 SQL,所以考了我 SQL 的具体问题,having 和 where 的区别
  4. 问我会不会 R,答案是不会……
  5. 什么是线性回归,如何向一个十岁孩子解释回归
  6. Why UCD
  7. 一个 teamwork influence others 的例子
  8. Peer 对你的评价
  9. 你自认为的 strengths and weakness
  10. Career plan

总体来说都是常规问题,会根据 resume 提具体问题,加之一些课程术语,问题不大

祝大家面试顺利,offer 多多~~




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