
[原创]Simpson的GF 3000过, 在这儿谢谢大伙了!2003-6-22

[日期:2005-01-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:simpson [字体: ]

我是Simpson的GF,刚签过.之前因为工作太忙,且信心不足,对签证一事很是消极. 多亏了我的BF为我四处求援,彻夜奋战,才得以在2003年1000过! 因为他的支持, 我这个让所有人都不看好的CASE终于得以起死回生!


7年外企工作经验,其中3年人力资源管理经验.目前在一家德资公司任一小部门经理.欲赴美攻读人力资源硕士学位,已被三所大学录取. 1999年在北京因F-1签证被句2次, 为单身大龄女青年, 无房产,全自费,学费的大半由未婚夫提供. 之所以成功,我们认为有以下几点:
1. 合理而与众不同的回国计划
2. 极好的证明了与未婚夫的关系
3. 有足够的证据,记住,签证时事实胜于雄辩!
4. 老实诚恳的态度,英文不用太溜.

VO: 你好!
Me: Morning!(递上我的checking list 和名片)
VO: What is this company?(指着名片问我)
Me: It is a world certification body based in Germany. My department is in the  business field of Education and Consulting. Here I have a brochure about my company and the services my department provides. There is an introduction and the outlines of the courses my department offers to enterprises. (主动递上我公司的宣传册)
VO: Have you been to Germany?
Me: No, I just joined this company early this year. Here is my working certificate and employment contract. (主动递上工作证明和合同,上面有我的工资.)
VO: Which shcool do you plan to study in?
Me: I plan to study in the university of xxx, I also recieved admission letters from U of xx and U of xxxx. (递上录取通知书, VO只要了第一所学校的)
VO: Have you applied to any Chinese schools?
Me: No, there is no good MHR program in China since HRM is still a new concept to China. The best business schools are in the US, and the best MHR programs are in the US too.
VO: How much you have to pay for your tuition and living expeses?
Me: For two years, all together I have to pay xx,xxx USD. You will find in my passbook and bank certificate for this amount of money. (递上存折和银行证明) Actually 1/3 of the money is paid by myself and 2/3 is from my Fiance.
VO: Do you have your Fiance's photo?
Me: Yes, here you are. These are photos with my fiance and parents. (递上相册) My Fiance worked in the bank for 6 years and now he is working for his family business, Here is his statement, work certificate and property certificate. If you want, I also bring his company's business license. (递上相关文件,VO 没要求看公司执照)
VO: What's your plan after graduation?
Me: I will come back to get married and have a wonderful family. Family is very important to me.
VO: Just want to come back to get married?
Me: No, not only that. For my career development, my long term goal is to be a Freelancer in the field of Training & Consulting, specialized in Human Resource Management. This career will not only offer me a well paid job, but also a very flexible working schedul which enable me to take good care of my family, my child. (见vo没有打断我,我就继续说.) These years, as I worked in Training field, I have lots of opportunities to meet with tutors and consultants in various professional fields, and set up my strong local network. When I come back, I may contract with one or several of them including consulting companies and  be their partner.
VO: How to prove you have a strong local network?
Me: Here is our tutors and consultants contact list with their detailed information including their daily rates. Here is a agreement with a tutor I sighed onbehalf of my company. I can also show you the business agreement between my present clients.
VO: Will you work for your present company after you come back?
Me: Yes, I may contract with them and be their internal or external tutor.
VO: I need to check your information, please stay and wait in the left side and I will call you back after 10 minutes.

10分钟后,听到VO叫我中文名字,于是我来到窗口. VO整了整我的一叠文件说: Everything looks good, I will issue you a visa, please come back later to get the visa.

整个过程其实我很紧张,刚开始的英文说的结结巴巴, 还pardon了两次, 从来没有这么差劲过. 但也许这样的一字一句, 反好过我平时的流利顺畅, 让VO 觉得我越发老实认真, 不是背出来的. ---嘻嘻,这是我个人感觉而已,不一定对.







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