
GWU MSBA Kira 面经 [2019.03.01]

[日期:2019-04-02] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:银泰勇 [字体: ]

面经很简单,就两道题 准备 40 秒说 90 秒。

  1. Why GWU and why MSBA?
  2. What skills do you possess that you would like to share with your professors and with your classmates?

然后下面这是从 https://forum.chasedream.com/space-uid-1328604.html 出转载的 GWU Kira 题库,希望有用。

  1. Why GWU?Why the MSBA program?
  2. I’m very interested to know your professional goals, can you tell me a short-term goal and a long-term goal that you aspire to?
  3. When you are not studying or working, what are your favorite things to do in your free time? HOBBY
  4. I would like you to tell me about a project where you took information from different sources and did an analysis.
  5. Please name two or three software programs that you find the most useful.
  6. Please discuss the various steps you take during an analysis project.
  7. What skills do you possess that you would like to share with your professors and with your classmates?
  8. What will be the challenge in an analysis? / What brings big problem in an analysis?
  9. Do you know someone who study in GWU? What program are they study in?

最后这里讲一个小插曲,一开始申请 GWU MSBA 的时候申错了申请成了 Certificate Program 底下的 Business Analytics Certificate 但自己没意识到,怪我粗心吧,界面着实也有点像很容易点错,申请提交后一两天就收到了 AO 的邮件说我国际生申请不了 Business Analytics Certificate,问我要不要申其他的 full-time 项目,我还纳闷了半天为什么,后来再上官网仔细看了下 Business Analytics Certificate 和 MSBA 是两个不同的项目,Certificate Program 应该是相当于我国非全日制研究生那种,当时还是很慌的,觉得自己申请费是不是打水漂了,立即给 AO 回了邮件说明了情况,小道了下歉,并说明我其实想申的是MSBA,AO 仅隔了半个小时邮件就回过来了,说已经在后台帮我转到 MSBA 项目了,我除了补交一下 GMAT 其他都不用动,这里夸一下 GWU 的 Renee,态度真的好回复也快。材料交齐后也是过了一两个工作日 kira 就来了,限时三天完成。

之前在 GWU 申请群里看到有同学和我犯了一样的错误,将 MSBA 申成了 Business Analytics Certificate,收到了来自 Renee 相同的邮件,所以专门写一下这件事,希望想申还没申的同学好好注意一下,申了申错了的同学也不要慌,很好解决,大家一起加油。




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