
[已录] HEC Paris M2M Round2 Interview [2019.02.12]

[日期:2019-03-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:kelvinxie [字体: ]

2019.02.12 HEC Paris

更新一个新鲜出炉的HEC Paris的奇葩面经吧.一位短发招生官女士,一位中年alum男士。口音不是很重能听懂,但是因为网速不好看不清他们的脸,只能依稀感受到女士凌厉的目光。

  1. Why this program?
  2. What do you like to do in your free time?
  3. What’s your career path?
  4. Why did you go to the States for college?
  5. Why did you choose this college? What were your criteria for choosing this school?
  6. What other schools did you apply to back then?
  7. Why did you choose GRE instead of GMAT?  (???)
  8. Why did you take an exchange semester at another US university?
  9. What’s the difference between this university and your home college?
  10. What would a person who doesn’t like you describe you? (?????????)
  11. What would you see yourself in five years?
  12. How does your experience in the US change your personality?
  13. What extra-activities did you participate in?
  14. Do you see yourself as a natural leader?
  15. Why did you take these summer classes?
  16. Why did you choose to come to Europe?
  17. Did you have any problems working with others?
  18. How did you know this program?
  19. Do you have any questions?

准备的career goal/internship experience基本没说到,这位alum男士拉着我扯了20分钟家长里短,很多random的问题。其实不难,但是因为和准备的问题太不一样了还是有点猝不及防。


  1. Why HEC
  2. Leadership
  3. Business News



美本20多,3.6+ 325,PE IB AM实习。




打印 | 录入:steven


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