
CASE CWRU 凯斯西储 kira 面经 整合word [2019.02.17]

[日期:2019-03-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Maisie_Yang [字体: ]



今年总共8道题,3道必考题。 如果有没有收录的底下留个言,我看到后加进去。

更新一下timeline: 1.16 applied 2.9收到kira 2.17上传kira 3.9 AD 带$10,200奖(今年r2本来decision ddl是2.26,收到邮件说发面试出了点问题,大家都延迟到2.26-3.15)


CWRU kira 面经(19 fall)整合已更新:


  1. introduction of yourself. What else do you want us to learn from you outside your application. 1m+2ms
  2. Written 8min: why case? what interests in Weatherhead? how Weatherhead help you achieve your career goal? how to enrich the learning environment in Weatherhead?
  3. share us other programs and schools you applied, reason? 45s+90s




  1. Tell me an experience that you lead a team successful. What is the technique?
  2. Please give me an example when you helped a team member at work or at school. What did you do, and how did it turn out?
  3. a time you need to involve others in a team
  4. 你有在一个团队里的经验么?你的团队成功么?什么原因让这个team successful?
  5. In the past, how have you ensured that team members were informed of details of an important project or organizational development? How did you keep them informed?
  6. Tell me an experience that you noticed a team member who is quiet or less participated in your discussion. What did you do? What is the outcome?
  7. Discuss an example of a time when your teamwork skills proved useful when you recognized that your team had reached its limit in terms of productivity. For example, they were burning out, or could not solve the problem. What did you do to relieve the situation, and what was the outcome?
  8. A time you make others to contribute and how he/she responded
  9. team members差距很大,如何让成员贡献
  10. 团队缺少某种skill,怎么办
  11. 一次团队成员不能work together well的经历,如何solve,你发挥了什么作用


  1. Describe a project that you worked on where you had to gather and analyze vast amounts of information. What factors were considered in analyzing this information, and how did this information help with the completion of the project?
  2. 需要从多个途径获取信息的经历,如何判断哪些信息是essential哪些是less relevant?
  3. Please give an example where you analyzed information to inform a decision maker. How steps did you take, and how did your analysis affect the decision?

Solution& innovation

  1. please give us an example of an academic or extracurricular activity from your previous education that has taught you something important or changed your perspective in some way. Why do you think this is?
  2. 例子你预见到一个成功solution,你是如何预测的;
  3. 在完成一项任务时缺乏技能或知识,怎么处理,结果是啥
  4. Desribe a problem you had to analyze. What steps did you take to analyze the problem in order to address the critical issues? What was the solution?
  5. 你遇到一些情况是需要用新的方法解决的么?最后是怎么解决的?(new way you provide since best solution isn't apparent)
  6. Please tell us about a time when you implemented an innovative idea at work or school. How did you come up with the idea, and what was the outcome of the implementation?
  7. Please describe a time you had to think outside the box to solve a difficult problem. How was your approach unconventional? What was the outcome?
  8. use your knowledge in an unconventional way
  9. 有没有anticipate 到过未来可能发生的obstacle,可能会create 的 problem,然后你做了啥去deal with 这可能发生的问题。
  10. 一个事例体现了你发现一个situation中不同的aspect之间的linkages,然后得到了对这个situation更好的understanding;
  11. 处理多线程工作的经历?你用了哪些strategies?
  12. 学校工作中不足的政策,你提了个建议,别人怎么接受的?
  13. Please tell me about a time when you analyzed a complex issue based on various factors. How did you conduct your analysis, and what was the conclusion of your analysis?


  1. Tell me the most interesting thing about yourself that I won't discover elsewhere on your application
  2. Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time, and why?
  3. If you had unlimited time, what would you devote yourself to, other than school or work?
  4. 空闲时间做什么?
  5. Most meaningful experience out of study and work, 如何实现的?




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