
Baruch MFE 电话面试经验

[日期:2007-01-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:rencrazy [字体: ]



面试我的是Director Dan Stefenica. 有口音,很像Apprentice第五季里最后那个winner的口音(准确的说,没啥区别),可能他们都是东欧人吧,语速很快,中间跑出去了两次,整个面试进行了大概40分钟。


1) Q: what is your plan after graduation?
A: I want to work in Wall Street for several years and then go back to China.

Q: (具体内容没法准确记忆,说个大概以供参考),不对,你的想法不太实际,一旦去了wall street,就呆在wall street,回去?先别这么想。然后又说了一堆理由,由于比较紧张,没听太懂他后来说的,不好意思。

2) Q: You rank 2nd among 83 students in your department. Why aren't you in the first place?
A: (顿时语塞。。。不懂该怎么答了,感觉考试这东西就是考不过别人阿),my humanility courses drag my leg.

Dan: That is not a good excuse. ..
A:  .................

3) Q: what about your programming skills?

4) Q: what about your english skills? 然后我说了一通,他说"I agree with you"。。。。

5) Q: Do you pick up any university from Britain?
A: No

Q: Why? 然后我又说了一通

6) Q: Do you have admissions from other universities?
A: No.

Q: What will you choose if other universities also give you admisssions?
A:  Now, I will just consider between Baruch and Cornell, if I would be admitted.


main points:

1. Compared to other programs, Baruch's program admits limited students(just around 25 ), there is great student-faculty contact.

2. Baruch really pays great attention to helping students find jobs, this year, 11 out of 12 students find placements before December, including international students, salary is good. Baruch can greatly help you seek a job in Wall Street, but it cannot guarantee.

3. If you are admitted by Baruch and you take the admission, no matter you are international student or native. Baruch tries its best to help you. Like Berkley, Baruch admits very few students who directly come from mainland after graduation because it finds that students from mainland cannot fill in a job position immediately after a just 18-month program. (所以适当的有工作经验确实是优势的)

差不多就这些了,然后又随便聊了一会,他说overall speaking, though you do not have much experience in programming, your profile is decent and I would like to admit you.

然后说,我希望你能在2月15号前给我答复,是否接受这个ad. 我非常希望你能接受这个ad,但是如果你不接受这个ad的话,我祝你好运。你知道今年大陆的applicants are remarkably huge(这是他反复强调的,所以如果还没寄的同学请抓紧了),少你一个也不会影响我们生源的质量。你要是想知道cornell他们是否录取你,赶快跟他们反映一下你现在的情况,让他们赶快作出admission decision. 也希望大家给点意见,是否答应了?

反正基本意思就是让我早做决定,他们也好留空位给后人。最后他说,If you want to work back in China, maybe those more famous universities are more fit to you. But if you want to go to Wall Street, go to Baruch.

就写这么多吧,希望大家没看烦。对了,他家有个论坛,有兴趣的朋友可以去看看,www.quantnet.org ,不过很难登上去,不懂怎么回事。祝大家申请顺利!



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