
Schulich Video Essay 面经 [2019.02.01]

[日期:2019-03-12] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:shgxy [字体: ]

踩着 R2 的线录了 Video Essay,坑爹的 Kira 昨晚搞了3个多小时,因为网速问题 device set up 一直过不去,后来上网搜看到有人说早上5-7点网络最好,今天一大早又爬起来录,终于成功了。

Video Essay 两道都是题库里的题,Writing 遇到一道新题,讲 the use of robots 的影响,因为之前考雅思时准备过相关题目,还有一点残存的记忆,但是5分钟真的很快过完,答案写的很短,不知道字数对评分有没有影响。

附上我自己收集整理的 Video Essay 和 Writing 的题库,攒攒 rp。

Video Essay

  1. If you were an admission director at the Schulich school of business, what would be the three most important characteristics in an applicant that you would look for?
  2. What was the last movie, TV show or XXX that moved you?
  3. Is a picture worth a thousand words?
  4. What’s the best mistake you have ever made?
  5. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? Why?
  6. What do you miss most when being a kid?
  7. Which super power would you like to have?
  8. What is your favorite time of the year?
  9. What’s the #1 played song in your iPod and why?
  10. If you could choose two famous people to be your parents, who would they be?
  11. What is something you learned in the last week?
  12. If you could meet someone dead or alive, who would you meet? Why?
  13. If you wrote a book about yourself, what would the title be and why?
  14. Describe the work environment or culture in which you feel you are the most productive, successful, and happy.
  15. If each day lasted 26 hours, what would you do with the extra time?
  16. You are stranded on a desert island. You can have people from three different professions there with you. Who do you choose?
  17. You need to design a T-shirt for 80 employees. What are the first three steps you would take?
  18. 在你的团队中,如果让你在狮子、长颈鹿和大象中选一个,你会选哪个?
  19. You are at a client meeting and your managing director is giving a presentation. You suddenly notice a mistake in some of the calculations which you have done for the presentation. Do you tell him or her? When? What do you say?
  20. If you are in charge of a project by 5 person, how would you start your work?
  21. Describe the most difficult problem you have ever encountered at work. What made it difficult?
  22. How do you convince people? What did you learn?
  23. Best idea you have come up with during your professional career
  24. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
  25. What criteria do you use to judge your own performance?
  26. We're three days behind schedule on a major project. What are you thinking?
  27. On what occasions do you recognize that you need the help of others?
  28. In order to complete a task, you need to ask your boss for time or more money, which will it be?
  29. A time when you were stuck in a tricky situation. How did you handle it?
  30. How would you handle a boss who gave you an assignment with a vague instructions and requirements?
  31. 如果你有一家公司,你会如何管理?
  32. Pretend that we meet for the first time and I am in a company you dreamed of, how you introduce yourself.
  33. If you could be a brand, what brand would you be.
  34. Have you ever had to make a decision when you didn’t have all the facts? How did you come to that decision?


  1. Following fashion trends is important in today's relevant workplace, do you agree or disagree?
  2. The impact of self-driving car?
  3. 手机的坏处?
  4. 如果你可以穿越时空,你会穿越回哪里?
  5. If all members of society were required to be fingerprinted, the world would be a safer place. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  6. 你更想做一个成功的科学家还是有名的演员?
  7. 赌场可以带来很多税收。你认为城市应该建更多赌场吗?
  8. In what ways do you think the internet changed the nature of working practices in the past 20 years?
  9. Coco Channel said different can be a good thing. do you agree or not? Why?
  10. The use of robots 有什么影响




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