
[已录] CUHK MAcc 群面面试经验分享 Rround 3 [2019.01.22]

[日期:2019-03-11] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:柒佰佳 [字体: ]






第一part是Pro.指定每个人回答她提出的一个小问题,类似于IELTS口语的task 2,一定要注意Pro.问了什么,尽量不要跑题这样印象会比较好。我们组问的是something interesting about you。有个妹子全程都在回答why she wants to be an accountant,我回答的是I think I have 2 spirits in my body。

第二part是先给出案例,然后对每个人自由顺序对于案例进行回答。回答完毕之后进入自由讨论环节。我们组的问题是:内地居民在香港购入了xxx保险,尽管北京以前采取措施阻止内地居民购买香港保险产品,导致drop in premiums,但保单持有人的数量却在上升。解释为什么香港保险市场对大陆消费者仍然有吸引力,为什么北京不鼓励大陆公民在香港购买保险产品?


其实这些case考察的都是common sense,所以不要太钻牛角尖。看案例的时间很短只有2分钟,所以可以利用这段时间用自己的逻辑把这个案例解出来。我自己当时回答如下。

  1. Answer 1:
    (2)从投保人角度来看, 保险人投保时为了对冲风险,因此可以解释drop in premium,而这个discourage也可能是一个反向的宣传,让更多投保人知道了香港的保险……
  2. Answer 2:

然后每个人每轮发言之后Pro.又会提出有关这个案例的新问题,比如从经济角度如何解释以及不同险种有什么区别……有一连串的小问题,然后我当时对第一个小问题比较有把握,就第一个回答了然后说我自己focus在这个经济角度来回答。可以不用回答所有的问题,如果遇到一些觉得很难的可以避开,最后这个自由讨论有人会说的比较长导致其它后面的人可能没时间说话。最后一轮还是要早一点发言为好,也不要说的太长,有点aggressive。我们组就有三个人最后自由讨论没来得及发言。总而言之,这个面试还是挺考验common sense的,也是可以好好准备的。

CUHK MAcc的教授感觉人很好,而且面试也很认真,这次面试之后对中文好感满满,不过HKU是先来的,然后我交了HKU的留位费,下面附上我当时根据CD论坛上大家的面经然后自己归纳的逻辑结构,祝看到这个帖子的大家都面试成功!



SYSU,3.4/4,IELTS: 7.5,GMAT: 710,两段top券商,一个私募,一个500强以及许多社团活动。




  • What CSR activities do you think companies should conduct?
  • *digital currencies.


  • 提高企业利润与投资回报率(increase the profits and the rate of Return on investment)
  • 加强企业品牌建设,培养顾客忠诚度(help build the brand and nurture the customer’s loyalty) ?举例 the body shop focus on contribution to the society and never conduct trials on animals, even the slogan emphasizes on environmental friendly. It builds brand and many customers consumed their products. It has been one of the most fast-growing make-up companies.
  • 使用环保的东西也会有利于减少成本
    Environmental bags could help reduce the costs.


  • Build contract research organization (sharing mode reduces the cost of researching and developing) ?
  • Use AI (many procedures in researching the new drugs AI could help integrate the resources) control the costs; search for the last experiences

*Trade war对中美经济的影响

  • China: agriculture crops prices increase; RMB may depreciate in value/interest rate will increase and many export oriented companies will be influenced/ opportunies for the technical companies
    Influence china’s economy in a slight way
  • USA: the trade scale will downsize; US dollars will lose influences


I Disagree with this.

  1. Absolute with no supplementary policies, the cost of not working overtime will still be burdened by the employees
  2. Many families need the money, overtime payment
  3. Industries busy at different time/ take a break in the spare time


  1. Customer saving before
  2. Producers will use the price discrimination policy
  3. Consumers behavior influenced/ herd mentality

滴滴的hotel booking业务

  1. Resources integrating is online business (take-away business/ using the traffic to integrate the traditional industries)
  2. The hotel gross profit is really high/ according to investigations
  3. Supply chain/ upstream and downstream of the business


  1. Short term?huge callback costs will reduce the profits
  2. Unites saled will decline; will turn to other phones
  3. Long term?may influence the company brand and brand loyalty
    Customers may turn to other brands and market share will decline


  1. Meet the standards it set
  2. Slow down the innovation/ before the innovation needs a huge amout of applications and testing; this samsung is too eagar to apply the new tech


  1. 经济结构也许会改变(economic structure may change; many services and industries surveying for the elder will be sunrise industry. Such as nursing homes
  2. A big burden on the workforce and government; government have to pay more pensions and the taxes on workforce may be higher
  3. Higher saving will reduce the investment rate
    Immegration city? more eaily to adapt to the aging population


  1. Profit (may be the decline of profit is because the high call back costs; could choose not to acquire these business/ others are still profitable
  2. Using the brand/ supply chain/ customer resources/ technology
  3. Could earn a reputation
  4. By acquiring other companies to get revenue increase


  1. Cooperate with Tencent/ social online shopping (using the traffic of wechat to develop my business.
  2. 阿里的优点: the biggest online shopping software
  3. 腾讯的缺点:only one of the shareholders
    Difficult to supervise/ don’t have a good reputation


  1. Revenue/unit ? industry’s roi and average revenues
  2. Cost? fixed and variable value chain
  3. The same industries units saled


  1. Slightly (银行业 can hard be substitued / safe and help reduce the transaction costs) Also the traditional bank is more safe than the currency
  2. Could be an opportunity (using the currency)




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