
[已录] 附 Schulich 全部面经总结 York University Schulich MF 面经 with Philip [2019.01.22]

[日期:2019-03-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:黯蓝52517 [字体: ]


另外补充两个我总结的面经。Philip面经总结里包含19 Fall和18 Fall全部Philip的面经,不分专业。York面经总结里有Schulich 19 Fall和18 Fall的全部面经总结,包括MF、MBAN、MBA等等,按照“年份——专业——面试官”整理。大家各取所需。


211财经,绩点3.9,T 104,G 730,一段交换,四段实习(水实习+四大行+四大咨询+基金)。



  1. 职业发展。
  2. 对program的了解。
  3. 面临的挑战。





  1. Why Schulich?
  2. Schulich如何帮助你实现职业目标?
  3. 对多伦多的金融产业有什么了解?如何找工作?
  4. 学习和追求职业目标会遇到什么困难?如何解决?
  5. What’s your professional goal? Why?
  6. 有没有和alumni的联系?
  7. 自我介绍。
  8. Any particular firms want to go? Where to work after master program?
  9. What do you plan to do next year?
  10. MSF项目中,你对哪一部分课程比较感兴趣?
  11. What other factors will lead you to success in this MF program?
  12. 面试四十分钟,全程在说大公司并购小公司的趋势之类的问题。
  13. 硕士毕业后,你的计划是什么?
  14. 你对多伦多的就业情况及劳动力市场是否了解?
  15. 你最近在做什么?
  16. 为了未来的成功,你都做出了哪些努力?
  17. 是否观察到专业有什么变化?
  18. 本科最喜欢什么课?
  19. 你觉得MF对你未来有什么帮助?
  20. 你对于目前居住的城市有怎样的印象
  21. Q&A.




  1. Why Schulich?
  2. Schulich如何帮助你实现职业目标?
  3. 对多伦多的金融产业有什么了解?如何找工作?
  4. (关于职业目标,具体问题不记得)
  5. 学习和追求职业目标会遇到什么困难?如何解决?


  1. What’s your professional goal?
    (聊得比较细,因为我未来想去media industry做ba所以被问这一行数据赋能的潜在机会有哪些?谈一谈我的想法)
  2. How can the program help you achieve that goal?
  3. What difficulties do you expect from this program?
  4. Q&A.
  5. 申请的motivation有什么?
  6. 多伦多有哪些机会?通过什么渠道知道的?
  7. 有没有和alumni的联系?


  1. Why MBA? Why Schulich? Why now?
  2. What is your personal leadership style?
  3. Talk about a time you made a bad decision but were able to correct it?
  4. How do you give back to your community, any activities like volunteering or helping in the community?
  5. What is one thing I might never guess about you by looking at your application?
  6. What thought process do you go through when making big decisions?
  7. If I can choose only one aspect introduced to the AD, what do you expect me to introduce?
  8. Any concerns  you think the ad might  have about you?


  1. Why Schulich? Why IMBA?
  2. Why IMBA instead of MBA?
  3. Definition of leader.
  4. 如果跟上司观点不一样,如何解决?
  5. 一句话概括自己。
  6. 如果ad committe对你的申请有concern,你觉得会是什么?
  7. 你怎样回报社会?


  1. Why MSCM?
  2. Why Schulich?
  3. Failture experience.
  4. Challenge when you get into the program.
  5. Presentation experience.


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. Career goal.(很详细的问了为什么选这个goal)
  3. Any experience in working in Toronto. How do you think about Toronto.
  4. Any particular firms want to go? Where to work after master program.
  5. How Schulich can help to achieve my goal.
  6. Q&A.
  7. 全程跟聊科技,教育我眼光不能局限于金融业,要和各行各业都建立联系。完全和面经没有什么关系,建议从essay入手准备。
  8. Which city I live in China?
  9. Introduce myself.
  10. Career goal.
  11. 毕业想去哪里工作 (我很肯定地说了多伦多,结果下边就一直和我聊多伦多)
  12. 了解多伦多的金融产业吗?了解多伦多的高科技产业吗? (我一脸蒙蔽,真的没去过,不了解,不过我强行用了考G学过的Analogy技巧,先说我不知道,再拿上海和多伦多做对比,因为我说上海和多伦多有相似处,强行推论一下)
  13. 然后Phillip就教育我不了解多伦多,以后怎么找工作,给我灌输各种技巧怎么找工作 (很现实有用)。
  14. Q&A.(总体思路很跳,后来基本聊多伦多)
  15. 25分钟,围绕career goal展开,对多伦多金融业的了解,怎么找工作之类的。(问题很跳但是比较实在)
  16. Why Schulich?
  17. Short, long term career goal.
  18. What do you plan to do next year?
  19. 聊了聊多伦多,温哥华和上海(LZ去过温哥华ubc交流,现居上海读大学,将来要到T上学工作,大概是这个原因)
  20. Q&A.



  1. 自我介绍
  2. Why MBAN?
  3. 项目毕业后去干什么?
  4. 在失常的无领导讨论中,你会怎么做?
  5. 量化方面的经验?
  6. Q&A.


  1. MBAN项目中,你对哪一部分课程比较感兴趣?
  2. 你如何看待MBAN项目中的8个月时长的group project?
  3. What other factors will lead you to success in this MBAN program?
  4. Why Schulich, 你觉得MBAN对你未来有什么帮助?
  5. Short, long term career goal.
  6. Q&A.
  7. 面试四十分钟,全程在说大公司并购小公司的趋势之类的问题 。
  8. 硕士毕业后,你的计划是什么?
  9. MBAN项目中,你对哪一部分课程比较感兴趣?
  10. 你如何看待MBAN项目中的8个月时长的group project?
  11. 你对多伦多的就业情况及劳动力市场是否了解?
  12. 你最近在做什么?
  13. 为了未来的成功,你都做出了哪些努力?
  14. 最近在哪里?在做什么?
  15. 对课程是否有了解?对什么课感兴趣?
  16. 对项目的哪一部分最感兴趣?
  17. What other factors will lead you to success in this MBAN program?
  18. Why Schulich?
  19. 是否了解多伦多的医疗咨询行业?
  20. 是否观察到专业有什么变化?
  21. 本科最喜欢什么课?
  22. 对tesla的股票怎么看?要不要short?
  23. 看你PS上的short term goal,具体说一下
  24. 你觉得MBAN对你未来有什么帮助?


  1. 你对于目前居住的城市有怎样的印象?
  2. 你毕业之后的职业目标?
  3. 你为何确信自己可以在Schulich取得成功?
  4. MBAN对于实现你自己的职业目标有怎样的帮助?


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. 说一下实习担任的role。
  3. 设立了goal但是没能达成的situation,学到了什么?
  4. 能给community带来什么?


  1. Why MBA? Why now?
  2. What would you do when you need to work with diffcult team members ?
  3. Tell me a word that decripes you?
  4. What do you do after work?
  5. Tell me a different you that I can't think of?
  6. What did you do when you have a different idea other than your manager's ?
  7. What is your managment style?
  8. What would you bring to our community ?
  9. What would you do when you have to make a decision?
  10. Q&A.
  11. Why MBA, Why Schulich?
  12. What thought process do you go through when making big decisions?
  13. Talk about a time you made a bad decision but were able to correct it?
  14. What is your personal leadership style?
  15. Talk about a time where you disagreed with a superior, how did you handle the situation.
  16. When you are in a team setting, and one of your team members is not pulling their weight, what do you do?
  17. What steps do you take to make sure your team succeeds in their goals?
  18. What is one thing I might never guess about you by looking at your application?
  19. If I can tell the admission committee only one thing about you what should it be?
  20. How do you give back to your community,any activities like volunteering or helping in the community?
  21. Why MBA?
  22. Describe a situation that you have conflict with your superior.
  23. Describe the greatest accomplishment.
  24. Desibe a situation when you fail to do something and what did you learn from it.
  25. What aspects have you considered to make decision for MBA learning?
  26. If I can choose only one aspect introduced to the Adcom, what do you expect me to introduce?
  27. Q&A.


  1. Tell me about your post-graduate career experience.(类似自我介绍)
  2. Why study MBA now? Why Schulich?
  3. Tell me more about your extra-curriculum experience.(可以是兴趣爱好/业余活动/义工)
  4. Q&A.


  1. What do you do for fun or interest?
  2. Why Schulich?
  3. Why MBA?
  4. Tell me something about your current job.
  5. Q&A.


  1. 问我现在在哪里。
  2. 问我为什么申请这么晚,5月24号才递交材料。(楼主因为之前一直等GMAT所以就如实说了)
  3. 为什么选择Schulich IMBA?
  4. 毕业后想在哪里工作, 问的是地点,比如说Internationally或者是具体的地方,why?
  5. 毕业后有没有想去的行业?
  6. 平时休闲的时候喜欢干什么?楼主说了自己以前运动员的经历,但是人家不认,说这个是以前,现在休息的时候干什么?然后我就说了很老土的旅游。。我怕说看书的话,问我最近看了什么书。。。我最近没看书。。。。。
  7. 如果现在给你10块钱,让你在24小时之内变成20块,你该怎么做?


  1. Why master?
  2. Why Schulich?
  3. What you can bring to the Schulich community?
  4. Tell me about a situation where you dont have many facts to make a decision.
  5. Tell me about a time you trying to achieve your goal but you failed.
  6. Tell me about a time you tring to achieve your goal and you success. What's your steps to acuhieve it?
  7. What your plan B if you are not accpeted by Schulich?
  8. What do you think are important qualities for a good teamwork?
  9. Tell me about a experience that a simple decision is better than a complex one.
  10. What's your career path?



  1. Why Master?
  2. Why Schulich?
  3. A time you use analytical skills to do a work?
  4. A time you change the process to do work?
  5. Quality to succeed in accounting?
  6. Qualities of a functional team?
  7. What you did when work with difficult teammates?
  8. Q&A.
  9. Career plan.
  10. Goal of this year.
  11. What you do for your community?
  12. Why Master program?
  13. Why Schulich?
  14. What you can bring to Schulich community?
  15. Quality to success in this field.
  16. Dysfunctional team, how to deal with?
  17. Process information and analyse it to make a decision, give an example.
  18. What you do to make sure a team work?
  19. What you do to overcome pressure?
  20. A time you have to change your process of doing your work?
  21. Why Schulich?
  22. 为什么选这个项目?
  23. 你的性格是怎么样的?
  24. 你能给Schulich带来什么特别的东西?
  25. Why did you choose your referees?
  26. What factors will lead you succeed in the program?
  27. What do you do for your community?
  28. What if you did not get admitted?
  29. Tell me about yourself?
  30. 说说做过的worst decision/ how did you correct it?
  31. Process of making a decision?
  32. 说说没有达成的目标 怎么去补救的?
  33. 说说达成过的目标?
  34. 说说有pressure的时候 并说说是怎么解决的?
  35. Talk about sth you did not write on the resume and the cover letter.
  36. Strength and weakness.
  37. Leadership experience.
  38. 做leader的时候有没有遇到什么难题?
  39. Dysfunctional team/ team members are not capable/How do you make sure a team works?
  40. How do you deal with the conflict within the team provided some inconsistent information?
  41. Whats your weakness? How did you overcome?
  42. Sth under pressure/ how did you overcome?
  43. A time use analytical skills to do the work?
  44. A time change the process to work?
  45. Quality to succeed in the finance?
  46. Quality of a functional team?
  47. What did you do when you work with a difficult teammate?
  48. A work needs details and attention?
  49. Something did not meet you expectation/ how did you overcome it?
  50. Definition of the team.
  51. An example of facts-find skills?
  52. Career goal?




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