
Tulane MACCT Interview [2019.01.25]

[日期:2019-03-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:鸡卖他700块 [字体: ]

Quick update for Tulane MACCT Interview.

Just get the interview done. If I remember correctly, it had basically five questions.

  1. Which internship experience do you think is the most valuable and why?
  2. What would you do if there is an argument between you and your teammate?
  3. What is your career goal and how much effort have you put for it so far?
  4. What kind of contribution distinguishes you from others?
  5. Do you know any Tulane Alum or how much do you know about Freeman?

My questions:

  1. Is there any opportunity to do TA?
  2. How much percentage of international students could get a full-time job in the US?

Hope that helps. Btw, Tulane is not prevailing among Chinese students but it’s actually a school of very top tier. One of my friends coming from Rice highly recommended Tulane and it’s very close to Huston, which issued 3[size=11.6667px]rd most H1B last year. New Orleans is also the home to the pelicans so it could be fun.




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