
2019 Fall Rochester 面经 + Vandy Video Essay [2019.01.08]

[日期:2019-02-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:VVVVVanessa [字体: ]

回馈论坛!附上1/8面的Rochester MSMA面经 (1/10今早已经下offer辽!)以及刚刚做的Vanderbilt Video Essay。




  • 12/16 Submit
  • 12/19 Complete
  • 1/4 Invitation to interview
  • 1/8 Interview
  • 1/10 Offer

面试官是Christina,一个挺可爱的招生官,也有姐妹遇到是MBA学生面的~ 向我提问时长15min,我提问题大概5min。

以下粗体字是我面到的题目,别的都是之前CD上看到的 。

  1. Can you introduce yourself, both academically and professionally?
  2. Your hobby.
  3. What’s your plan for next summer/ Like travel? recent travel experience/ the most memorable thing./Have you travelled abroad? Can you talk about the experience?
  4. Any favorite places?
  5. Why UR? Why Simon?
  6. Why MA?
  7. 为什么不直接工作而是来读Simon?
  8. Contribution to undergraduate school.
  9. Your contribution to Simon.
  10. Strength and weakness.
  11. Courses and clubs you are interested in.
  12. Short term goal, back-up plan, long term goal, dream company.
  13. Recent internship and what skills do you use in this job/interesting things about Internship 实习(主要做什么,遇到哪些挑战,有没有什么有趣的事情)。
  14. Talk about one of your internship which is most fulfilling and challenging.
  15. Any achievement proud of.
  16. Muti-culture经历/有没有和外国人一起work的经历?
  17. Simon 有各个国家的小伙伴你要怎么适应文化呢?
  18. 认为team work最重要的三个因素是什么?
  19. 你从每一段工作经历里面学到了什么?
  20. 去过美国哪里?
  21. Work in US or China or else?
  22. Team experience.
  23. Leadership experience.
  24. Any other question?



  1. Talk about the person that influences you the most in your life.
  2. Why soft skills are important in workplace.
  3. Talk about the three skills that is important in your career path.


  1. One of the favorite places in the world.
  2. If you can teach a class, what would you choose to teach?
  3. “你对什么事业有热情”,注意!楼主碰到的题目里事业用的不是career,是cause!
  4. 如果重回大学,你想要改变什么?
  5. 什么事情让你抱怨最多?
  6. What are you most proud of in your life?
  7. What do you think is the most useful invention in your lifetime?
  8. A venture capitalist gives you a million dollars to launch your best entrepreneurial idea. What would you do?
  9. If you won $100w in lottery, what would you do?
  10. 你在感到压力和抑郁时会做什么来让自己恢复元气?
  11. 讲一个你的favorite hobby,并且向一个不太了解它的人介绍?
  12. 你曾经经历过最害怕的事情?
  13. 你觉得最有意义的一件东西?
  14. What is your favorite restaurant, where, why, how to get there?
  15. 如果我们到你家里吃晚餐,你会为我们准备什么?
  16. 你认为你喜欢的activity如何塑造了你的personality?
  17. 你对Nashville的印象?




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