
JHU MSF 面经 [2019.01.06]

[日期:2019-02-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:mialjz [字体: ]

2019.01.06 下午面试

吃完午饭化妆换衣服半小时,(之前看到有 tip 建议穿正式一点,所以穿了衬衫,然后化淡妆)。

用的 chrome 浏览器,check in 之后显示浏览器需要更新,然后更新完 chrome 安装了什么 flash 插件,就进入视频和声音测试。测试声音的时候反应有点慢,要半天才能加载出来 record,所以不要着急。然后一切都没什么问题就进入 practice 一块。

Practice 的问题都很……傻。跟正式问题完全不搭边的那种,所以主要找找感觉把。practice 的问题是你最喜欢的 movie,最喜欢的 food,喜欢 tea or coffee。第一次 practice 视频 save 的很快,后面几次不是 save不 了就是一直卡着不动,所以就放弃 practice 直接开始了。


  1. 如果你是一个很成功的 organization 的CEO,你会 offer 什么 product / service
  2. tell me about a time you needed to criticize someone but you know he...will not take it well 还是啥的,然后问你结果和学到了什么。




Another country (culture difference) [As people from different cultures always views thing differently, so we always have different ideas and perspective to the problems.]

  1. imagine you have the chance to see how people in other cultures see the world. which culture will you learn and why?
  2. Ed1: if you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world, where do you want to go and why?
  3. 你认为是否需要考虑到不同文化的同学的感受。(大致)
  4. 自己选一个国家生活,但是你不会这个国家的语言。选哪个?为什么? Japan + developed + use technology electronic device to communicate + people kind / helpful + easy to learn
  5. 如果有一个商业企划可以在你自己的国家很成功,make much profit in your own country,但是 insensitive in other culture, will you accept?
  6. 如果你有机会学习不同的文化,你想学哪个,为什么?
  7. Ed1: your friend offers you a job in another country, which country would you choose, what job would you choose and why?Ed2: If you were scheduled an interview for a new job in a country rather than your own, which country would you choose and why?
  8. Ed1: if you have the chance to spend one hour with global famous celebrities, but he cannot say anything, who will you choose and why? Ed2: 如果你可以选择和一位名人见面,你会选谁,为什么?
  9. Imagine that you could fully immerse yourself in another culture for an entire year. What culture would you choose and why?
  10. Where would you like to if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.
  11. 如果有机会学习任意一个tradition的话你想学哪个?为什么?


  1. 你要为一个小国家建造一个 clean water project, 谁会在你的团队里面,why
  2. 如果你有一件东西想要 donate 给 charity,你会选择捐什么?
  3. 如果你有一笔资金用于donation 你会捐助到什么地方?为什么?
  4. 是否我们有责任帮助穷人?为什么?
  5. 如果有人对你做了不道德的行为你会怎么做?结果怎么样?
  6. If you can run an organization and benefit some groups of people, who do you think will be benefited?
  7. 你怎么说服股东投资一个有利于贫困地区的商业项目
  8. If you are a CEO of a great cooperation, which product/service you would like to offer, why?
  9. do you think you are the citizen of the world?

Teamwork Conflicts

  1. Ed1: You are the team leader of a group. Your team members with different culture have the difficulties in understanding each other. What will you do? Ed2: Whether it is important for students to learn that people with different culture have different values with them? Ed3: If you are the leader of a diverse team and your team members have different perspectives. What will you do and why?
  2. Did you have a disagreement with team mates?
  3. 分享一次 a team member gain more credit than deserved 的例子,结果是什么?你学了什么?
  4. 作为一个 Team leader 在队员有不同意见的时候,你会怎么做,为什么这么做。
  5. 组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么
  6. Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?


  1. 分享一下你没有得到你很想要的任务的经历,说说你学到了什么
  2. an experience once you failed to keep your promise, what's the result and what did you learn?
  3. Ed1: Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did you learn? Ed2: Tell us an experience that something unexpected suddenly changed your plan at the last moment. What's the result? What you learn from it?
  4. Ed1: Tell us an experience when you totally disagree with your mentor (or mother?) /supervisor/boss, how did you solve it? What's the result? Ed2: Tell me an experience you have completely disagreed with your mentor, teacher, or boss. What is the outcome and what do you learn?
  5. Tell us an experience when you meet setbacks that you cannot solve. What's the result? What you learn from it?
  6. 在做 project 过程中遇到 bully (?) 是怎么解决的? 结果是什么?学到了什么?
  7. Share an experience your plan suddenly changed. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  8. What course you’ve struggled in most and what did you do to overcome the problems? What was the outcome?
  9. tell me about an experience when you met a problem but had no one to ask, what's the outcome and what did you learn?
  10. 你在遇到 can't make sure how to conclude an assignment or speech的时候怎么办,结果是什么。
  11. Tell me about a time when you need to make decisions between two equally bad options, which one did you choose and what did you learn? 面临两个一样坏的选择,你选了哪一个,学到了什么?
  12. 讲一个你很想参加的但又不允许你参加的 club 或者 activity,why,结果如何
  13. 如果你在一个 new location 迷路了,你会怎么做,你学到了什么?
  14. 需要提升的 skill
    I would like to improve my managerial skills. Because i think managerial skills are important for a leader and also useful in my future career. First of all, i would like to learn how to lead my employees and inspire them to follow me. Because if i can gather the power of the whole company together, we can worked on the business and problem together, so we could solve the problem better. Besides, i would like to learn how to have a more effective communication with my employees an also with the seniors. Because communication is always the most effective way to solve problems and reach the agreement.
  15. Tell me about a time when you need to make decisions between two equally bad options, which one did you choose and what did you learn?

  16. 分享一个你向别人推销自己 idea 的例子。

  17. 如果你有无限的金钱和才华,你想干什么事?

  18. Describe a situation that you feel completely lost, what is the outcome? what do you learn from that?

  19. Without fund limitation, which country do you like to travel?

  20. imagine you could introduce a product unique to your part of the world to another culture. What product would you choose and what culture would you introduce it to and why?

  21. If you have a great conflict with your mentor/professor/boss, what is the outcome and what do you learn from?
    If i have a great conflict with my boss in my future career, for example, my boss may refuse to take my advise or refuse my proposal which i insist on and we will have an argument. So first of all, i will have a communication with my boss to exchange our ideas and thoughts. And at last, i will try to understand and accept his idea. Because as the leader of the company, he must has his own unique thinking and perspectives about the business because he has more experience and longer time working in that company. And i will learn how to deal with the relation with my boss and how to exchange our ideas in a better way. Also i will learn how to view the business in a greater vision and consider the problem in a more comprehensive way.

  22. one time you draw a decision when you are under pressure

  23. Imagine that you are a leader of a team and you are doing a project in another country expect your own. Your team can't reach the deadlines(是即将赶不上 ddl的意思), and as the leader what will you do to catch up with the deadline(大概是这个意思,说白了就是你打算如何力挽狂澜赶上去),and why?” 可惜我实在不明白在另外一个国家和赶 ddl 有什么关系

  24. 很长的一道,意思是说many people live in poor countries,你有什么想对他们说?(做?帮助?有点记不清了...)and why? 估计是business with humanity in mind 的衍生题

  25. 如果毕业三年后你有机会选择在一个国家生活 什么国家?what country do you want to live in after your graduation, why?

  26. What would you learn from a foreign culture, what and why.

  27. 讲如果你在team中发现自己completely incorrect, 你怎么做,结果如何?

  28. 说一个你一开始觉得不可能的事,然后你是怎么做的?

  29. 讲经历,take 什么 risk at work,结果还不是如你所料的。

  30. 你最有趣的事,从简历里找不出来的。

  31. 你和其他人组队,你当领导,但是别人觉得你并不 qualified,你怎么办,结果是什么,你学到了什么?

  32. 还有一个是你和别人组队,别人当领导,但是你觉得他不 qualified,你怎么办,结果是什么,你学到了什么?

  33. If you handed an assignment that you knew you completed incorrectly, what would you do?

  34. share an experience that you were assigned a project that you felt was completely outside of your skill set, what was the outcome and what did you learn?

  35. work or academic experience 中感到 fully motivated what did you do and what is the outcome?

  36. 什么重要的东西你搞丢了?

  37. 小组任务没能按时完成,结果如何,学到什么?

  38. 有一个商业机会,可以立马给你带来一笔收入,但会长期影响你和国际贸易伙伴的关系,你会怎么做?为什么?

  39. 说一个在你的团队合作中,你即使批评了他也不会对情况有所改善的经历,你学到了什么?

  40. high position in small company and lower position in large international company, choose what ?

  41. 如果你在一个别的国家遇到了社会问题,你觉得应该如何解决?




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