
IC Marketing Strategy 面经 [2018.12.17]

[日期:2019-02-19] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:QQ不是秋千 [字体: ]


本科 985 末流市场营销专业,GPA 3.77(4.0),雅思 6.5(6),低 G 没有递交 。

收到面试 DDL 是 12.17 号,中国时间 17 号下午 1:30 面的。 之前一直也要考 GMAT,所以是一边准备 GMAT 一边准备面试的,真的压力山大,都是快崩溃了哈哈,但还是很想要 IC 收了我呀,发个面经攒个 RP !


接下来的3道口语题一般是 general question,我准备的时候主要是分为自我认识、teamwork 以及 HOBBY 准备的(题目会放在下面) 但是真的考的时候就每个人都不一样,我是没有被问到 HOBBY 的部分(虽然特别想讲啊哈哈),问了两道自我认识的部分。

作文5分钟写一封回信,主题是想等一等另一封 offer。我是粘贴了模板改的,个人觉得不怎么样,因为没有检查过逻辑是不是清楚。但是关键我打字的话只能打 100 出头的字,所以还是选择粘贴了,这个小伙伴们看自己的情况吧。



  1. 自我介绍。
  2. long term goal .
  3. friends describe you.
  4. achieve a goal in a team and what have you learned.(这个我没答好,最后没讲实现了目标)
  5. 作文:等另一封 offer 。
  6. loyalty program 你认为重要吗?为什么?

准备的时候我是把不同的题目再做了分类的,有一些可以套同一个例子,尤其是 teamwork 的题目哈哈,因为在处理问题的时候其实很多方法是共通的。


准备比较多的是专业题、自我认识题还有作文。自我认识主要是过去的一些经历的总结还有对自己优缺点的认识,用 STAR 原则就好。专业题因为自己是营销专业,所以就拿科特勒的营销管理出来总结了一下,准备了一些英文专有名词(陆本的超大劣势,很多名词都不知道在英文里是什么意思)。作文也是在网上搜了一些注意事项和模板,然后自己写的(也是意识到自己在写邮件上的很多不足,真的没有经验)

最后最好有人能跟你一起把题目和答案过一遍,再自己计时录视频。真的很感谢跟我一起过答案并帮我提出很多建议的闺蜜,她真的很厉害,拿到了爱大的 offer。


然后准备期间真的压力很大,让自己变得优秀的过程是很痛苦的,但是只能试图去享受它吧~ 真的真的希望 IC 能给我offer,非常喜欢它的课程设置还有职业相关的服务了!




  1. 你的朋友会怎样介绍你。
  2. 毕业以后求职,怎么介绍自己的能力。
  3. Tell us about your highest achievements.
  4. achieved a long term goal.


  • Describe a time when you made a mistake.
  • A setback/hurdle you have experienced and how you responded to it? difficulty you overcame, what made you through?
  • 你做的adventurous大胆的, 冒险的 thing out of study/academic, what did you learn from it?
  • biggest challenge/在工作学习之外你遇到的挑战 。
  • 你在过去的经历中发现你缺乏的一个能力,你是怎么解决。What's the challenge facing your chosen career industry.


  1. Now you are a team leader and you want to take a certain action, but your team members are hesitating. What would you do to persuade them?
  2. Lead a team of people with different backgrounds,时间有限的情况下,作为leader 要怎么 motivate 大家 。
  3. You are leading a team with different personalities and objectives, how would you adapt your approach to get the best out of different team members?
  4. how to motivate the team member who is in struggling.
  5. 小组活动中有个组员犯了个错误,你该怎么做才不影响整个组的积极性。
  6. 你发现你的teammate 犯了一个错误,你要怎么在不伤害他的motivation的同时提醒他( 面经里没有的)。
  7. 怎样在高压下带领团队完成任务。


  1. Tell us about your hobby/interest and what have you done to persue a high level? Ambition other than your career and studies
  2. why people spend time on their interest?


  1. How do you guarantee you apply the latest marketing strategies?(update) 你如何保证你采用的是最新的市场营销策略?
  2. How do you make sure that you are up to date of marketer? 你如何确保你是能跟上形势的营销人员?
  3. Tell me some significant marketing tools.(latest marketing tools) 请说出几个有代表性的营销工具。
  4. Describe a marketing strategy you have done.请描述你曾做过的一个市场营销策略。
  5. Describe a marketing strategy you admire.请描述一个你欣赏的市场营销策略。
  6. online campaign change brand image,是不是successful?
  7. Compare two companies in a same sector. How do they differentiate their products to target potential customers?
  8. describe a marketing strategy of a famous brand.
  9. What marketing strategies or techniques or tactics will you choose in limited budget?在有限的预算内,你会选择怎样的营销战略或者技术或者策略?
  10. What are the differences between marketing strategies and marketing tactics?营销战略和营销策略之间的区别是什么?
  11. Describe an innovation marketing you admire.请描述一个你欣赏的具有创新性的市场营销战略。
  12. How do you persuade the investors to invest in an unprofitable project? 你会如何说服你的投资者来投资一个没有利润的项目?
  13. What is the most important part of Marketing for you?对你来说,市场营销最重要的部分是什么?
  14. What do you consider to be the key elements that make up a marketing plan? Demand and budget. Demand is an element that can helps you get insight of the market and.
  15. 如何判断 the success of marketing campaign?How to judge the success of marketing campaign?
  16. In your view, what is the single most important determinant of success for a brand, and why?在你看来,一个品牌成功最重要的因素是什么?为什么?
  17. Consider a brand that you like. What are the key marketing elements or campaigns that make this brand stand out for you?请想一个你喜欢的品牌,有哪些关键的营销元素或者活动让这个品牌脱颖而出吗?
  18. What is your favorite brand and why?你最喜欢的品牌是什么?为什么?
  19. What is, in your personal view, “good marketing”and please give me an example of a marketing case that impresses you most?你认为“好的营销”是什么?请举一个给你印象最深刻的营销案例。
  20. 探讨话题 loyalty program为什么流行+你觉得重要吗?
  21. consumer is the king. Agree or disagree.
  22. Within many organizations, the relationship between marketing people and R&D people is characterized by a high degree of conflict. Why do you think that’s the case?在很多公司中,营销人员与研发人员之间的关系是高度冲突,你认为为什么会这样?
  23. What is the impact of digital marketing to the marketing formulation? Digital change the marketing mix formulated.




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