
Brandeis 2019 Fall R2 Kira 面经 [2018.12.13]

[日期:2019-02-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:嘉嘉1217 [字体: ]

楼主今天刚录完 kira,我把自己收集的面经放下面,我觉得挺齐的,楼主比较幸运,抽到的题目都是准备过的,就没有掐网。


口语1:When you have a problem, whom do you approach for advice, and why?

口语2:What organization or cause is your passion?

写作:If you could spend the day shadowing anyone on the job, who would it be and why?

祝小伙伴们顺利,也祝自己可以顺利拿到想要的 offer!



  1. what most excites you about graduate school?

  2. Tell us about two people you admire, a person you know and one you don’t. What do they have in common, and why do they inspire you?

  3. Describe a time when you had a conflict with a colleague. How did you handle it? In hindsight, would you handle it the same way now?

  4. Leadership experience and leadership style

  5. What organization or cause is your passion?

  6. What kind of job posting excites you the most, what's the difference between this job positing and other job posting?

  7. Assume you have two job offers in the same city. Job A is at a large, prestigious company but the salary is lower than expected. Job B is at a lesser known company and the salary is higher. How would you make your decision on which job offer to accept?

  8. Do you think today’s political environment is good for business development?

  9. What would your classmates find surprising about you

  10. What do you read book for pleasure. A particular kind or different kinds or books?

  11. Favourite saying/motto (原贴说的是最喜欢的名言,不知道英语原题是什么)

  12. What's the famous destination you want to visit and why?

  13. Have a meal with three people, who are they and why?(和三个从没遇到过的人,不管在不在世)

  14. graduate school中最想得到什么?和本科有什么区别?

  15. professor经常夸自己什么?又经常给自己什么意见?

  16. When you have a problem, whom do you approach for advice, and why?

  17. Describe a time when you want to quit but didn't, will you happy with you decision, will you make the decision now.

  18. 简历以外的事情

  19. 如果你做什么都不会失败你要做什么?


  1. What kind of meal would you like to learn and cook perfectly, and why?

  2. The latest movie you saw, why to see it, do you like it or not?

  3. What items you can never resist in the restaurant?

  4. If you could spend the day shadowing anyone on the job, who would it be and why?

  5. What new things you are happy to try?

  6. Which book do you think every child should read?

  7. What is the last book you read? Why did you choose it? Did it live up to your expectation?

  8. What is the most challenging for you in graduate school?




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