
IC Strategic Marketing 面经 [2018.12.12]

[日期:2019-02-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:murdererkiko [字体: ]


11.12 递交

11.30 收到面试通知

12.13 ddl


  1. 自我介绍 1 分钟。
  2. 你的一个性格特性,并且这会如何帮助你的 master study。
  3. 分享一个你的爱好,并且你如何得到更高的 achievement。
  4. 你的朋友会怎么介绍你。
  5. 收到求职工作 offer 的回信。
  6. 分享一个你最喜欢的 brand,并且它运用了什么 marketing 策略。


这次面试正好赶上学校交开题,加上拖延症,所以挺晚才开始准备的,准备了 3-4 天。我把论坛上找的题目都分了 6 大类别,然后按照类别准备的。其实 personality、interest、IC programme、career的部分都差不多,建议大家重点放在 professional knowledge 和 team work 2 个部分,尤其是 professional,因为有些问题在短短 30s 里不能很好的有逻辑的表述,加上会牵扯到一些术语。

另外,written 部分建议大家提前写好,到时候直接复制再做一些细节的改动就好。我会把常见的题目都放在附件里。IC 要求 5 分钟写到 250 个字,但是不提前写好的话真的有些困难,加上一些紧张因素等,会影响发挥。

除了 professional 知识的其他部分建议大家可以找几个自己在本科阶段最不一样的经历佐证一下。比如我是特长生,所以就说自己在特长生的 achievement 和锻炼到的一些品质,这些都是不一样的部分。

关于断网刷题的事情,我在做题过程中断了 3 次,其中 1 次是因为连接确实不好,另外 2 次是因为题目不熟就换了。我个人认为过程中个别几次断网刷题影响不大,毕竟网络环境难以预料,IC 的 6 个问题也是分别上传的,所以你一次断网,下次系统会在你刚才断开的部分重新连接,不会影响之前的题目。


Be confident and Good luck!


A. Personality

  1. What is your proudest achievement outside of the classroom/greatest

  2. Biggest achievement of undergraduate stage, why is it helpful to your graduate study?/How to differenciate yourself from other candidates?/What attributes do you think you have that will make you highly employable?

  3. A setback confront in a project and how you overcame?/The biggest risk outside academy./A difficulty you overcame, what made you through?

  4. Experience when you fail to achieve a goal.

  5. A time you felt that lacked the skills required for a specific task and what did you do?

  6. A time you missed the deadline and how you solved?

  7. How you introduce yourself to your boss/ideal company and tell your passion? ?

  8. How will your friend introduce you?

  9. A goal of life.

  10. What most motivates you to be successful? Why?

  11. How do you get along with your community out of classroom and impact on you?

  12. Adventurous experience.

  13. Exchange experience.

  14. What charity or community projects is important to you, and what have you done to support it?/ Your contribution to community work.

  15. Leader/peole you most admire. Your similarity?

  16. What is your advice to yourself on your first day of undergraduate.

  17. If a new colleague comes, how will you build relationship with him/her?

  18. Tell us about your greatest strength. How have you developed this strength and how has it helped you succeed?

  19. Think about your strengths and weakness, how will IC help you develop your strengths and get over of your weakness.

B. Interests

  1. Tell us about your highest achievement outside class and why.

  2. Tell us about your most unusual hobby/interest and what have you done to persue a high level?

  3. Why people spend time on their interest?

  4. What contribution you most enjoy after graduation?

  5. What do you do outside class and why.

  6. An adventurous thing you have done out of study.

C. IC&Msc programme

  1. Tell me your experience during your undergraduate life and how it would make a valuable addition to IC BS/How to prove you are a valuable addition to IC. 你学到了什么

  2. How this programme benefit your personal achievement? How will ESB affect your career plan?

  3. How you become an IC active part?

  4. Tell a vital skill and how you exercise this skill at IC.

  5. What challenge you think you have about programme content? What you prepare to overcome?

  6. What contribution you most enjoy after graduation?/What attributes do you think you have that will make you highly employable after your MSc?

  7. What contribution you can feedback to society after graduation?
  8. Why IC/ESB? What you most expect from this programme?
  9. How will IC’s diversity help your future studies here?
  10. What will you do to improve your skills in this field?

  11. What do you think you'll enjoy most about studying in London?

D. Career

  1. How do you define success in your career and how to measure your progress?

  2. Future plan in 5 years and 10 years.

  3. Earliest career goal and how does it change over time?

  4. What is the role of your career path and if it does not work, what is your plan B?

  5. What career you most desire for? How you will do to support your career? What preparations/researches/steps you have done?

  6. What company you admire? Why?

  7. Which financial sector/field you most want to work?
  8. How to introduce yourself in job hunting?
  9. Work experience.
  10. What you learnt from past experiences? How it lead you to pursue current career?
  11. Time achieved goal under difficult circumstances.

  12. Which personalities/experience you have are beneficial to your career pursuit?


  1. What did you learn about yourself in a teamwork? /Are you a team leader or follower?

  2. How do you understand teamwork?

  3. Your team is losing momentum and how will you motivate your teammates?/How to motivate the team member who is in struggling./What would you do if people/leader have differrent personality/conflicts?

  4. Now you are a team leader and you want to take a certain action, but your team members are hesitating. What would you do to persuade them?

  5. Share a non-academic teamwork experience. Your role and what you learnt from it?

  6. Describe a time when you have worked hard on a project that benefited others outside the classroom. How did this make you feel?

  7. Outside the classroom, tell about a time when you’ve accomplished a goal as part of the team.What did you learn? (同5)

  8. Your team mate made a mistake, how do you remind him without hurting his motion? /How do you do the task without hurting your feelings and with a different partner?

  9. How you do if a new member join your team?

  10. How to convince most teammates to do one thing?

  11. How to deal with a time you missed the deadline?

  12. Please tell me about an experience where you led a team that consisted of a group of very different individuals. What did you do to lead the team to accomplish the objective, and what was the outcome?

F. Professiona

  1. What are the differences between marketing strategy and marketing tactic?

  2. Describe a marketing strategy adopted by a well-known brand

  3. What,in your opinion, is the most important innovation in marketing in the last 20years? Why?

  4. Give an example of a brand that used online campaigns to try and change their brand image. Were they successful in doing so? Why or why not?

  5. In your view, what is the single most important determinant of success for a brand, and why?

  6. Tell me about a recently-developed marketing tool or technique that interests you./ 新的mkt tool改变客户购买

  7. a brand that you like.

  8. market research method to uncovering completely new and untapped customer needs?

  9. Marketing people and R&D people is conflict

  10. Brexit对英国企业的影响

  11. 说一个你感兴趣的商业故事。

  12. loyalty programme

  13. 现在的公司在接触客户的方式上有什么不同

  14. 顾客是上帝这句话你怎么看 为什么

  15. 时刻了解mkt信息

  16. 如何判断the success of marketing campaign

  17. What qualities should a successful marketer possess


  1. Careers event上遇到学长想要了解相关 information 的 letter Dear 学长 name
  2. 收到理想公司offer,回信
  3. 收到理想公司拒信,回信
  4. senior executive 的 follow-up letter
  5. 结束 internship 的 thank you and farewell letter
  6. 新入职的 introduction letter




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