
[已录] GWU MSBA Kira 面经 [2018.12.06]

[日期:2019-02-13] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Marutaro [字体: ]

1.30 更新

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今天早上收到 GWU 的 Kira 邀请,发现 CD 上一个面经都没有……只能找去年的做,还好全都 cover 到了! 不知道我这是不是第一个今年的面经……祝大家面试顺利,offer 拿到手软!!!

一共两个问题,准备时间好像是40 s,回答都是1 min 30 s:

  1. Please tell me why you are interested in George Washington University’s specialized Master’s program in Business Analytics.
  2. Please discuss the various steps you take during an analysis project.


  1. Why GWU?Why the MSBA program?
  2. I’m very interested to know your professional goals, can you tell me a short-term goal and a long-term goal that you aspire to?
  3. When you are not studying or working, what are your favorite things to do in your free time? HOBBY
  4. I would like you to tell me about a project where you took information from different sources and did an analysis.
  5. 5. Please name two or three software programs that you find the most useful.
  6. Please discuss the various steps you take during an analysis project.
  7. What skills do you possess that you would like to share with your professors and with your classmates?
  8. What will be the challenge in an analysis? / What brings big problem in an analysis?
  9. Do you know someone who study in GWU? What program are they study in?




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