
[已录] Oxford Said MBA Skype 面经 [2018.11.16]

[日期:2019-01-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:了——了 [字体: ]

昨天总算 R1 的所有面试都结束了,趁着工作不太忙,来分享下 Said 面试的经验,因为从 CD 中收益良多,希望我也能给后来的申请朋友们提供一点参考。

Said 是我唯一申请的一所欧洲的 MBA,其他四所申请的都是美国的 MBA,现在面试都已经结束,等12月份出结果。

2018.12.19 更新:美国的学校都出结果了,应该还是留在美国念书了,Oxford 有缘再见!

我是 Skype 面试,面试官是 associate fellow, 面试时长是30 min,我觉得总体来说,和美国 MBA 面试感觉稍微有所不同,可能因为 Said 是一年的 program 吧,所以面试很多时间都在问我关于 post MBA goal 具体的一些问题,当然也有可能是我文书写的不够明白……


  1. Can you explain to me what XXX company (my current employer) exactly do? what's your role in the company? What is the size of the company? (可能是因为 econ consulting 相对比较小众冷门吧,他具体了解了下我的日常工作)
  2. Why MBA and why now? 
  3. Why Oxford Said in particular?
  4. Did you apply to other schools? 我回答了我欧洲只申请了一所,其他的是美国的。于是他follow up: why do you want to come to UK then?
  5. Tell me about an accomplishment that you are most proud of?
  6. Tell me about a time that you have to work with a person you don't get along with?
  7. Tell me more about your post-MBA goal? What if it doesn't work out, What's your plan B? 
  8. What are the challenges you see your future company will face? What are the competitors in the same industry?
  9. Do you have any questions for me?

面试官是个老爷爷,一口英伦腔哈哈,特别温和,虽然我被他的问题 NO.8 问懵了……胡说八道了一通,没想到他说嗯,这也是我看你的 business plan 时想到的一些 risks……

10.19的时候早上收到的 email 说去 portal 更新了,我一看,啊……这是要跪啊,因为美国的都是打电话通知录取啊。做好心理准备打开一看是 pleased to inform to that……然后过了几天来了一个 scholarship offer 和 forte fellow representative……还是很开心的!





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