
GMAT三战670-720暂时分手,五天临时抱佛脚悟出的一些经验分享(主SC语意) [2018.11.06]

[日期:2019-01-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:黑白棋局 [字体: ]


1. 抱佛脚方法注意事项

  1. 虽然说是短期抱佛脚,这个准备时间比较长的人也可以参考下,因为我个人认为,我准备的太仓促了(因为二战失败以后又老刷不出想考的时间,LZ好长一段时间都在咸鱼混日子,大家不要学我),如果时间多点的话可能效果会更好。
  2. 抱佛脚只适用于有一定基础的人,刚入门的同学还是先去写写OG,Prep和看看曼哈顿语法吧。LZ个人情况是一二战刷了OG那本大厚册子,Prep 07、08、12,OG Verbal分册(这个好像很多人都不知道,高亮一下,大家如果有人买了OG全套会发现,OG是一本大厚册子+V分册+Q分册,分册上的题和大厚本里是不一样的,Prep 08语法笔记,曼哈顿语法分册,GWD一半的模考等等等,然后发现没啥题可以做了(流泪)。所以这个分享给所有N战没题做又不想写曼哈顿Magoosh的朋友们。

2. SC






所以,我在这里,倾情向大家推荐,700-800 level 这个题库!!!放原帖附件里了!然后虽然LZ本人特别雄心壮志地想着要在5天里写光,但是结果只在前两天一天10页,写了2/5,后面跑去写模考了,然而因为大多数Verbal题我都写过,我觉得写模考对我掌握pace一点用也没有了,哭。但是我觉得我理解语意的能力真的有提升了很多,留下了感动的泪水。我相信大家如果能把这个写完,效果应该会更好。LZ就是在写的时候标记了一下自己不确定的选项,然后对答案的时候看解析(不管最后这道题选没选对),然后把这些拿自己的语言整理起来,因为LZ没写完,这个叫千行的整理文件(哎实际上我也不知道千行到底算是只整理语法还是啥,反正我这个基本就是个错题集吧,前面还有Prep 08笔记里当时我整理的东东,大家无视无视)里面LZ只整理了前两个topic里面我出现的语意问题,抛砖引玉,大家轻拍。如果觉得这些东西太简单了也不准嘲笑我,我会心碎的!字多,大家慢慢消化,一下看容易晕(我写这个写着写着都要晕了)。

我整理了这些以后,感觉的一些常见的用来排除的语意有如下一些点。以下题目全部来自700-800 level这个题库(的前两个 topic),所以大家看,这个题库对训练语意真的蛮有用的!



  1. 代词主谓一致错误。
  2. 代词无所指,特别是it。
  3. It,their是完全指代!完全指代的意思是,它会带有它指代的词的特性,前面出现的A of B,它指代的就是A of B而不是仅仅是A,这里特别容易出问题,所以有时候要把it替代回它所指代的东西看。
  4. 指代不明或不合逻辑,所以一般有明确对象比单纯一个代词的选项好。

Eg(指代不明或不合逻辑):In order to properly evaluate a patient’s state of mind and gain informed consent priorto surgery, a substantial period of time must be spent with the operating physician by the patient to become fully aware of the pros and cons of undergoing a surgical procedure.

  • A.  a substantial period of time must be spent with the operating physician by the patient to become fully aware of the pros and cons of undergoing a surgical procedure
  • B. the operating physician and the patient must spend a substantial amount of time together, thus ensuring full awareness of the pros and cons of undergoing the surgical procedure
  • C. the patient must spend a substantial amount of time with his or her operating physician, thus ensuring that he or she has been made fully aware ofthe pros and cons of undergoing the surgical procedure
  • D. the operating physician must spend a substantial amount of time with the patient, thus ensuring that the patient is fully aware of the pros and cons of accepting the undergoing procedure
  • E. the operating physician must ensure that he or she is fully aware of the pros and cons of undergoing a surgical procedure by spending a substantial amount of time with the patient

A 1.in order to描述的是主语的intention,按未划线的句子,要evaluate病人的xxx,主语应该是医生,本选项主语错误。

B 1.主语错误;2.没有说清楚ensure的是医生还是病人的awareness(没有指代,但本身就有语意不明)

C 1.主语错误;2.第二个he or she指代不明,既可以指病人也可以指医生(指代不明)

D 对。

E 语意错误,he or she指代医生,叫他们aware,不对(指代不合逻辑)


其实这个也很语法,但LZ有个问题就是句子一复杂,had done和一般过去时同时出现的时候容易选错,比如:

  • A 主语 had done sth. anddid sth
  • B 主语 did sth and didsth

虽然我也知道had done是过去的过去。我觉得追根溯源还是由于我对句子的时间线顺序捋的不够清楚,这还是理解问题。注意有时候在未划线句子里动词的时态也会有infer。



(1) only的位置换了,一般都错。这个位置一换,通常会出现语意的改变。

Eg 1:Jean-Jacques Rousseau contended that man is good only when in "the state of nature" but is corrupted by society, that compels man to compare himself to others.

  • A. man is good only when in "the state of nature" but is corrupted by society, that
  • B. only man is good when in "the state of nature" but is corrupted by society, that
  • C. man is good when in "the state of nature" but is corruptedonly by society, that



Eg 2:The Daughters of the American Revolution, avolunteer service organization, admits as members only women who can provelineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution.

  • A. admits as members only women who can prove lineal descent
  • B. admit as members only women who can prove lineal descent
  • C. admits as members women who can prove lineal descent
  • D. only admit as members women who can prove lineal descent
  • E. admits as members women who can prove lineal descent only


A 对,说明它不接受男性以及与p没有基因关系的女性。

C 删掉了only,说明它也可能接受除了里面提到的这种情况的人之外的另外的人,改变了语意

E "only" 修饰 "froma patriot of the American Revolution,”改变了语意,错误地表示能进来的女性,只有那些她们的祖先都是p的(有点绕??原句的意思是,你是位女性并且是烈士的后代,他们就可以接受你。那比如你爷爷是烈士,你就算是烈士的后代了。但是这个句子里变成了你是个女性,并且要你爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶以及上面的先辈全是烈士才ok,这个就略荒谬了)。

(2) 注意介词的变化和同一介词的位置。介词的变化常见的有down from/to……变成了down by,这样语意全变了。介词的位置变化,有时候也会带来语意的改变:

Eg 1:Though the language of  Beowulf is practically incomprehensible to contemporary readers, careful linguistic analysis reveals amultitude of similarities to modern English.

  • A. Though the language of Beowulf is practically incomprehensible to contemporary readers, careful linguistic analysis reveals a multitude ofsimilarities to modern English.
  • D. Though Beowulf has a language that is practically incomprehensible to contemporary readers, a multitude of similarities are revealed to modernEnglish through careful linguistic analysis.

A 对。"though thelanguage of Beowulf is practically incomprehensible to contemporaryreaders," 正确的修饰了主句。此外,时态和名词用的也都正确。

D "Though Beowulf has a language thatis practically incomprehensible" is wordy. 原来的"though thelanguage of Beowulf is practically incomprehensible"更简洁。此外 "amultitude of similarities are revealed to modern English" 像是在说"similarities" were revealed to "modern English" 而正确的意思应该是"similarities to modern English" were revealed(介词位置变了,从similarities后放到了reveal后)。

Eg 2: The physicist Richard Feynman presenteda comprehensive introduction to modern physics designed for undergraduate students in a two-year course.

  • A. The physicist Richard Feynman presented acomprehensive introduction to modern physics designed for undergraduatestudents in a two-year course.
  • E. In a two-year course designed for undergraduate students, the physicist Richard Feynman presented a comprehensive introduction to modern physics.

A 原句说 Feynman’sintroduction 包含 "physics designed for undergraduate students."不对,应该是the course is designed for undergraduate students和covers the generaltopic of physic。

E Correct. 放在开头的“in a two-year course designed for undergraduate students”清楚地说明了句意:aphysics course was designed for the students,剩下的部分也很straight forward:主 “thephysicist Richard Feynman”,谓 “presented”, 宾 “a comprehensiveintroduction to modern physics。

(3) 注意形容词和副词的变化。

Eg 1(形容词位置变化):Though mostpeople take it for granted now, the nationwide admission of students to colleges and universities based on academic merit is a relatively recentphenomenon, beginning only after World War II.

  • A. Though most people take it for granted now, the nationwide admission ofstudents to colleges and universities based on academic merit
  • B. Though it is now taken for granted by most people, the admission ofnationwide students to colleges and universities based on academic merit

A Correct. 开头这句话正确的修饰了admission。

B 开头这句修饰是对的,但nationwide错误地修饰了学生而不是admission,改变了句意

Eg 2(形容词位置变化):The governor’s team of advisors, includingher education and political strategists, has not been available for commentsince the governor released her controversial education reform proposal.

  • A.  has not been available for comment since thegovernor released her controversial education reform proposal
  • C. have not been available for comment sinceshe released her proposal on controversial education reform

注意这句话的主语是g's team而不是advisors,谓语应该用单数。

A 对。

C 1.谓语要用单数;2. She没有指代,因为前面是g's而不是g! 3.proposalon controversial edu reform错误地改变了语意。之前的句子都是说她的pro争议大,而这里面变成了教育改革争议大(形容词位置变换)。

Eg 3形容词和副词变换:原句:xxx is surprisingly tentative.

错句:xxx is surprising and tentative.




Noun ,Which+从句,…… 或者Noun,同位语,…… 是非限制性修饰,意思就是,两个逗号间的是对前面的Noun的补充,去掉也不影响原句的理解。

Noun that+从句,或者说是没逗号的修饰,是限制性修饰,that后面的内容对Noun进行限制,通俗一点说,就是缩小前面n的范围。

Eg:The author Herman Melvilleand the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.

  • A. The author Herman Melvilleand the poet Walt Whitman are icons
  • B. Herman Melville the authorand Walt Whitman the poet are icons
  • C. The author named HermanMelville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons
  • D. The author, Herman Melville,and the poet, Walt Whitman, are icons
  • E. Herman Melville, the author,and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons

A Correct. 修饰语“Herman Melville”和“WaltWhitman”是限制性的– they are necessary to限制“author”和“poet”的范围– 所以这里不适合用逗号隔开。此外,句子意思暗示the men continue to be icons of American literature since they arebeloved by generations both past and present;所以一般现在时“are”合适。

B 修饰语“the author”和“the poet” for “Herman Melville”and“Walt Whitman”是非限制性的– 他们不是用来缩小范围而是增加其他信息– 所以需要加逗号隔开(e.g. “Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, ….”)

C “The author namedHerman Melville”“the poet named WaltWhitman”- wordy. 此外,an icon已经说明了greatness;所以“great icon”冗杂。

D 限制性修饰语“HermanMelville” and “Walt Whitman”错误地加了逗号。

E 修饰语“the author”“the poet”是非限制性的,这里加逗号是对的。但是had been时态错误,因为本意是the men continue to be icons of American literature。


3. RC

在此分享一个特别有用的提速方法,也很适合抱佛脚,是这几天LZ参加的一个免费的五天阅读训练营get到的大家可以拿题来训练!700-800 level RC可以用来练练手,LZ时间不够跳着选长的和一眼看过去很多复杂名词的题写的,然而,大家在写之前,要注意,一定要先找到这些题在solution有没有对应的答案。你们能想象LZ吭哧吭哧的选了一道特别难的题写完了以后吭哧吭哧地去找答案发现有前一个passage有后一个passage的答案偏偏没有这一篇的疲惫吗!



4. CR

没啥好说的,我这次CR写了写700-800 level这个的CR,不太推荐,因为我觉得里面有些正确答案,有点,挨不着边,或者是让我觉得有点无语……






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