
[已录] Brandeis MSBA R1 Kira [2018.11.08]

[日期:2019-01-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Yoa小Yoa [字体: ]

整理了大家的题库。跟去年不一样了哦~我抽到的是8+9。去年题库似乎没有。 祝大家offer拿拿拿~~?

  1. What would your classmates be surprised to learn about you?
  2. what's the Famous destination you want to go?
  3. What is most challenging for you in graduate school?
  4. Describe a time when you want to quit but didn't, will you happy with your decision, will you make the decision now.
  5. 选择三个人吃饭的那个
  6. Conflicts with colleagues
  7. Leadership experience and your leadership style
  8. 简历上没有的事
  9. What does graduate school excite you most?
  10. What kind of job posting excites you the most, what's the difference between this job posting and other job postings?
  11. Assume you have two job offers in the same city. Job A is at a large, prestigious company but the salary is lower than expected. Job B is at a lesser known company and the salary is higher. How would you make your decision on which job offer to accept?
  12. When you have a problem, whom do you approach for advice, and why?




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