
[已录] HEC Paris MIF Skype 面经 with Alexei [2018.11.30]

[日期:2019-01-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Diiii [字体: ]

Skype Interview, 24 minute

  1. Three question: Self-intro; Why HEC; Why this program; Career goal;
  2. Since you want to work in HK, why not study in HK? Our resource are mainly in Europe...(LZ 本科港大, career goal 说的是想回香港)
  3. Any other programs you applied? Why not choose John Hopskins? Since Bloomberg's boss is from JH?
  4. Talk about the IPO program on your CV ?
  5. Do you think your math is good enough for this program? How do get the inverse of a Matrix, what is the determinant of a matrix How do you know the convexity of a function
  6. Since you know VBA, Python, why not choose more IT work, M&A is more about transaction?
  7. CAPM, what does the beta mean, is It possible that beta is negative, how do you get beta?
  8. Any questions you want to ask us?

Alexei asked Technical questions and Olivier focused more on the career goal,CV questions

标黄的问题是 Alexei 问的,其他问题是另一个 program coordinator 问的。两个人的信息在官网上都有。 

LZ微信:ZhaodiAlex, 欢迎也录了这个项目的人加微信交流。




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