
UR R3 MSA 申请总结 [2018.05.13]

[日期:2018-12-13] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:倩慧 [字体: ]


3.7 under review
4.21 interview invitation
4.25 zoom interview
4.26 ask for senior transcript
5.1 $offer(30%)

UR申请的肥肠肥肠晚,其实当时已经拿了Fordham SU还有其他一些offer, 一直都很心水UR, 但是因为我的GMAT真的硬伤, 一直不太敢申请, 后来是我的一个朋友一直在鼓励我, 说不试试怎么会知道不行呢(其实当时的我去递交材料完全是就是抱着碰运气的心态, 于是我在3月补递了这份申请。

我对UR MS系列zqsg的想说以下几点:

1、一切皆有可能,我GMAT这么低,本科背景也一般,但是依旧给了offer, 有种一直在刷新UR下限的感jio, 为什么不去试一试, 损失的只是申请费鹅已

2、1定要有耐心..我当时等interview invitation等到我觉得我肯定凉凉了, 最后都不怎么刷邮箱了, 差点错过可以申请面试的时间(当时已经等了快2个月)

3、感觉UR不是很重视GMAT耶!反而面试太重要太重要..我看到很多CDer反馈面完wl或者面完rej, 单单不说面试可以决定录取不录取你, 通过给我的奖学金可知..面试还可以决定奖学金的多少

4、关于面试的内容真的算是比较容易的, 大家看以往的面经就好

5、我觉得我能录取真的是因为, 面试的时候我把我想要说的都说出来了, 鹅且我说的都很personal


我说的是我自己在大学开了一家小型企业, 是一个Wechat平台, 方便同城大学生进行二手书的交易, 还说了很多原因, 大概内容是杰样的:(因为是口语 准备的时候随便写的 语序语法可能比较乱

Make group members more cohesive; Tolet them know the importance of cooperation It was a Business Plan Innovation Competition thatoffers an opportunity for me to achieve my plan of opening a small-sizedcompany during my college life. When I was a sophomore in university, I noticed thatit is very common that senior schoolmates have to abandon textbooks and othermaterials because that they cannot find needed buyers who actually in greatdemand. Many textbooks and materials are very expensive and it is a resourceswaste that they only be used for once. What’s more, the development of usedbook market could greatly control the development of pirated books. Therefore, I recruited a five-people group and actedas the group leader to develop a Wechat shop to provide a platform for studentsin campus for the exchange of second-hand goods because Wechat has the mostnumber of users among undergraduates in China. By this experience, I not only practiced my accounting theories but also understood the whole procedures to company's operation as well as the importance of leadership to lead a team accomplish a task in time and in high quality. However, the company lasted only two years. Weignored an important factor. There are so many competitors in the market and wedon’t have enough fund to make the advertising. Some famous second-handplatform, such as xianyu, xianyu was published very early and a strong companysupports it, and they have enough fund to do a wider publicity. therefore, manypeople will choose to believe it other than ours.

Why Accounting?


My mother is a Mahjong fan that she plays frequentlysince I was six. I was her accountant, sitting next to her, managing the cashflow. According to the Mahjong rules, I could calculate the numbers correctlyand quickly. Maybe because of this experience and my careful and cautiousnature, I was very sensitive about numbers and obsessed with the sense ofachievement from making every detail clear. Another reason is that it’s easier to find a job forthe female and I could earn my own living. And if I want to work in a privatecompany you know to the management department to be the CFO in the future(which is in line with my career goal),accounting is the basic one, you should know the financial situation of thiscompany.

Which company you wanna enter in the future?


Bank: I joined the internship in Citibank when I was a junior. And I saw that the relationship between the boss and staffis very harmonious. They look like just friend. So I like this kind of workingenvironment. You have the freedom and I can share my own opinions to saysomething. Private company: And about Pepsi, I would like always tocompare pepsi with coke cola. As you can see, Pepsi in China now will manage toadapt to the local market, you know to invite some local famous superstar anduse some pictures which can reflect the local culture, so the pepsi’s packagingis great. And their ideas are always creative and they will put lots of moneyon the advertising to keep old customers and attract new customers. This is apoint I haven’t seen in coke cola. So I think pepsi’s culture is more active,and will change itself to adapt to the new environment with different changes. Itwill not be eliminated in the development of the times

对惹, 我还在面试里及时和面试官小哥哥即时update了我现在的状态, 在光大银行总行实习, 还跟他讲了我现在在工作上遇到的一些困难blabla...喔!还说了一些我在荷兰的经历, 以及介绍了我的来自加利福尼的美国室友

6、因为他问问题时候我没有提及kp的实习, 然后在typing question就有问到kp的实习..

7、我是315那一轮, 但是依旧给了很高的奖, 所以不一定只有R1才有奖..大噶要对自己有信心!

8、文书很重要!我的文书写的很personal, 没有生拉硬套模版, 而且有做过头脑风暴, 把想要展示的都写出来了, 我想也是因为文书给OA看到了一个真实的我吧…;-)

9、MSA项目如果询问了大四成绩单就基本没问题辣!如果收到啦, 那偶就在这里提前恭喜大家!~

其实收到email录取后面两三天我一直在怀疑UR是不是发错offer了..(因为我觉得我没有什么很突出的亮点, 导致我一直不敢拒其他的学校, 直到拿到纸质offer, 我觉得录了就不错了, 真的没有想到还给了这么多奖.. 所以跟面试官真的很有关系!那么我来说说我的面试官, 他大概还有15min面试的时候发来链接 我立马去cd上搜他但是没找到, 囧, 于是去linkdein搜了他, 看到是一个美国年轻小哥哥就放心了..(没有口音+有共同语言, 在面试过程中其实是我一直在说啦, 小哥哥每次都会在结束说awesome great啊之类的, 但是话其实感觉也不是很多, 他一直在做一个聆听者的角色, 哦对!我在说我创办公司的时候, 他有问我你是不是在里面做一个leader的角色呢?所以感觉leadership罗村看的很重!中间我也有卡壳大概10s, 所以大家有卡壳不要紧张, 继续move on就猴!最后帅气的小哥哥还等着我先关掉zoom, 搞得我惊慌失措哈哈哈哈哈, 他以一句take care收尾, 就像是认识了很久的老盆友一样!~肥肠暖心惹!

最后再次感谢CD这一年多来的陪伴!想当初..考GMAT真的是一边哭一边做题, 每周为了上课都需要学校和bj两边来回跑..那段时间真的hin痛苦了以及大学的四年都在为我的gpa而奋斗, 还好苦尽甘来!即使有遗憾, 但结果还是很满意的!~

CD上我是属于弱地一匹的那种, 每天都在观望各位大神的申请, 受益匪浅, 在这里分享一下自己的经验给大噶!感谢各位CDer在学习以及申请道路上的陪伴! 希望大噶都能有好的结果, 每天都在下offer雨!进入dream school!!


雅思7(写作5.5, 哭, GMAT很低很低不到650,(很丢人><刷了三次不想再继续下去了, 在这里想告诉大家的是不要因为GMAT低就放弃申请, 甚至有可能会有高奖学金!
双非会计本, GPA 3.93, 年级第一, 核心课程4.0, 荷兰交换半年
有很多很多奖项, 国奖,电信奖学金, 各种社会实践的省级奖励等等
kpmg icbc citibank




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