
[原创]jqzhang的签经 [2003-5-28]

[日期:2005-01-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:jqzhang [字体: ]



28日8点45才到签证处。果然是戒备森严,但站岗的都是中国人,不知美国的中国大使馆是不是也找几个小老黑来作警卫?尽管这两天体温已恢复正常,心底还是一阵发虚。唯一的念头就是“只要今天进得了签证处,就一定能玫贸銮┲ぃ ?br>


在我排队的三个多小时里,签过率大概是25%。我持蓝牌,签过率一半一半,算我总共过了4 个F1,其中两个MBA。前面的那位MBA大哥提家携口,工作背景不错,口语也很好,签过是我意料之中。最后MBA大哥还试图让小儿子给签证官叫叔叔,未果。不过VO还是友好地逗了逗小孩儿。另两个F1,我和其中的一个聊过,对自己的学校不太有信心,但回答问题时似乎是(本人不太偷听别人恩怨)有理有据,很早便拿了签证,让偶羡慕不已,主要是羡慕一个“早”字。其他被据的也都给了很长时间,包括3个去巴拿马选美的。选手只有一个聋哑女子,另一个带队的和一个帮忙的。据说帮忙的听着音乐进行指挥,聋哑女子就能翩翩起舞,不知VO为何没有好奇心让其现场表演一番?

我在四号窗。旁边的五号窗一个个的被据,尽管里面的VO每次都要过来请教一下我们的VO。很难描述我们的VO长什么样,只能说长的很professional,对每个人都很耐心。我准备得很充分,相信只要给我时间解释就一定能拿下——一个很自信的加拿大朋友说, “I enjoy persuading people.” Me too. 想想我把试图据我的VO驳斥得哑口无言我就乐得合不拢嘴——自信的微笑是不用特意培养的。(详见我在另一个关于签证申请问答的帖子里准备的排比反问句。)


VO: “Sorry, what color is your card?” 签证官好不容易把面前的所有表格处理完了却发现窗外还有一个businessman在耐心等候。
Me: 举起我的兰色牌子。
VO: “What’s your name?”
Me: 走到窗口前报上大名,同时打开风琴夹准备推销。
VO冲我伸了一个手指头(one minute),开始和里面的工作人员找我的文件。
Me: “Take your time.” 我很大度。已经等了这么久,不大度又如何?

VO: “Sorry for that.”
Me: “That’s all right.”
VO: “You are going to Georgetown University?”
Me: “Yes. I would like to pursue a MBA degree at Georgetown University. Would you like to see the admission letter issued by the school?”
VO: “Not necessary. You graduated from xxx University?”
Me: “You said it.”
VO: “In 1999?”
Me: “Correct.”
VO: “What did you do after that?”
Me: “I joined xxx company. As a project manager currently, I am responsible for the GSM and CDMA project in which we cooperated with Europe teams and US teams. I went to Germany & France in 2000 to start the GSM proprietary transition project …”
VO: “What did you do in the US this January?”
Me: “I went to US to smooth the cooperation between our China team and US teams. We got a big contract from China xxx and we cooperate with the US team on that project…”
VO: “What else school did you applied?”
Me: “I applied Washington, Harvard, Berkeley …”
VO: “Why do you choose Berkely, no, George Washington?”
Me: “Georgetown.”
VO: “Sorry. Why do you choose Georgetown?”
Me: “Because Georgetown is very strong in International Business, an area in which I am interested. Besides, the school is located in Washington, an exciting and dynamic city. Although the MBA program will be hectic, I still expect my two years in another country would be more lively and energetic.”
VO: “Have you married?”
Me: “Yes.”
VO: “Any kids?”
Me: “Not yet.”
VO: “What does your wife do?”
Me: “She is a faculty of xxx university. She is a terrific teacher and meanwhile she is a dean assistant. Would you like to see our marriage certificate?”
VO: Show me I-20. “You need $$$ for the study and you have only $$$ scholarship …”
Me: “Would you like to see my financial certificate?”
VO: “Yes.”
Me: Show certificate of deposit. “Would you like to see my salary sheet?”
VO: “Yes. Please.”
Me: Show 2003 salary sheet. “I have also honored some awards with money.”
VO: “You have a descent job at XXX. Why do you still want to go to school?”
Me: “My long-term goal is to run a business on my own.”
VO: “What business?”
Me: “My business will be in conjunction with telecommunication or IT, an area in which I have a competitive edge. When I was a doctoral student, I have started a software business.”
VO: “In 1999?”
Me: “Before 1999.”
Me: “However, I failed to deal with numerous management and HR issues. At xxx I do accumulated much valuable experience but I am still isolated under a R&D center. I’d like to obtain more business experience in other area such as marketing and finance…”
VO: “OK. Let me ask you this question. If I don’t give you this visa, what would you do?”
Me: “I would go to another rising network company that has expressed an intention to explore me as a manager. Here is the letter of intend and the company introduction material.”
VO: Have a glance on the letter.
Me: “With more than 1 billion investment, more than 1000 employees and 28 branches throughout China, xxx has won a good reputation in broadband IP area…”
VO: “What about I give you the visa?”
Me: “I appreciate it, very much.” 还是高兴, “very much” 不想说也说了出来。
因为后面没有人,我有条不紊地收拾完东西,发现VO还在看着我,于是微笑地说了一句 “Have a nice day!”



感谢亲爱的LP,对签证比我自己多操了几倍的心并天天为我祈祷。感谢家人和两位好友对我签证准备的帮助。感谢ChaseDream 为大家搭建的平台、组织的讨论以及朋友们真心的祝福。愿大家都心想事成!







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