

[日期:2006-11-27] 来源:ChaseDream签证专区 作者:deciduous1014 [字体: ]

book at 10:00am, arrive at 9:00am
queue up~~~~~~checkin~~~~~~
lift floor 4~~~~~~checkin~~~~~~

(u'd better wear a trousers without strap)

go in turn left and deliver ur stuff at window 01<passport, DS>then wait..
call ur name, go 2 window 03 press ur fingerprint, first finger, both hands

window 06<ma lucky window 六顺, window05: blond gal "killer" window06: glass BOY window07: glass gal window08: who the hell cares?>

queue up... (killer: 根据美国的法律,我无法给你签证,很抱歉...blond gal内边几乎全军覆没乐,俩商务团被拒,其中厦航一商务团12人被拒,只能怪他们delegater口语垃圾。glass BOY&GAL拒了几个忘了,一共6个还是7个?不过killer忒恐怖了,这句"根据美国的法律,我无法给你签证,很抱歉"念了n遍,你大爷,本来不紧张的,搞得蝴蝶在我胃里飞,我前面内教授很自信,哥伦比亚的,签了好几次了,没啥问题,侃了一下,大体也就俩字:牛屄!他先上去了,等下是我,心灵默念:c'mon..c'mon..c'mon, u deserve this,fingers cross 4 myself ........... 果然很快,叫我了,微笑,SHOWTIME!)

Me: morning sir, how r u doing?
VO: whoa, u can speak english (估计前面B1J1的飙国语给他飙晕了) fine, and u?
Me: good!

VO: what r u goin 2 do in USA?
Me: I want to study for my master degree of business administration at the University of XXX, and this further edu will cost me totally 2 yrs, here is ma ad letter attached offer letter<VO很仔细的看信,没想到我还有钱拿,不怕,有啥疑问你就问吧你>

VO: okay, where did u graduate?
Me: i graduated from xiamen uni july this yr, here is ma certificate of graduation&bachelor degree
(whispers behind me: 啧啧啧..厦大的,谁?内男孩,喔..不错吖;i gain a lotta confidence from this, 开始调pace, show一下语速乐)

VO: what is ur study plan?
Me: well, there r many orientations 4 MBA courses at the University of XXX (send VO piece of paper about my plan), such as A/B/C and I would like choose A as my concentration. Once I get this degree I go back China 2 apply a good post at xxx Co. I've ever thought about.

VO: hv u taken TOEFL exam?
Me: of course, here is ma T score 633 and ma GMAT score 7*0

VO: why u wanna change ur major?
Me: as you know, my major was Oceanography of Science, when I was studying at Xiamen University I perceived tremendously potential resources waiting there for us to exploit what will bring us a bright future. However, these resources need to be exploited under series of management skills rationally. In addition, the job I will apply when I come back China need a MBA degree background

VO: why not continue ur job? (氧化钙,现在还翻我DS,我知道158内张的添满乐后面,不怕!)
Me: look, (这样的词儿我都飙出来乐,ft) I had good internships at amway&dell China, and workin-experience at COSCO&CMA as sales assistant, whereas, I do not just wanna be an employee forever! I wanna be a leader at a famous company, moreover an MBA degree in USA will make me more competitive when I come back China and its part of plan 4 ma career path.

VO: how about ur parents?
Me: my dad is a manager of XXX Co.(send VO his certificate of income attached his business card) which is blahblahblah, Here is the brochure of this company, see, this is him, i am so proud of him and wanna be him and surpass him.(push ma speakin-tongue lika' punchin'BOX, ma mom is a sector member(send VO the certificate of deposits, then show him the pics of my family and say), I love them so much!
(等一会儿...撕蓝条...OH YE!)

VO: Congratulation, welcome 2 america!
Me: thank you, happy turkey day, sir!

VO: hah, u know that? thank you
Me: sure, appreciate ur time, bye~

PS: 能记起来的就这么多,感觉吃面过程很快,除了GT其它证没啥用,像BEC/CET4/6计算机证啥的都不会看的;觉得写得没说得好,将就看好乐,以前没留下啥,太忙乐,对不住大伙er``吃面时要自信微笑,感觉最重要的就是自己口语要好,啥都没有但口语要好,我前面有个女生,也MBA,英语很好的,穿G2000满正式的,但中国音浓,被拒乐,因为我实在找不到VO拒她的其它原因
i knew goabroad—specially 2 USA—is a tough route, however, once u ride on u just cant stop, wish u guys 1000 pass...2000 pass...........N000 pass!
DONt make any cheat on ur stuff, it is a very serious action! VO's assistant will call the Tel No. u show on the paper, u wont be allowed 2 go 2 US 4ever if u did any fake information about urself




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