
McMaster MBA Kira面经 [2018.03.21]

[日期:2018-12-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Lengxiaoyu1029 [字体: ]

一直以来受到CDers很多帮助,在录面试的过程中找面经费了不少功夫,附件我能在网上找到的以及我问到的 McMaster MBA kira 面经和Concrodia MBA Kira 面经,希望能帮助有需要的同学节省一些时间。

McMaster MBA kira是3道video, 一篇essey。前三题video,每题30s准备,1分30秒回答,最后一题essey 5分钟作答。

McMaster Kira Interview Questions

  1. The experience of working in a diverse team
  2. describe a conflict, what is your solution and the outcome
  3. Describe a recent example where you attempted to get conflicting parties working together toward a common objective.
  4. the experience of inspiring others/ leadership
  5. The hardest task/ Share a recent project on which you were engaged and passionate about completing. What was the project, why was it engaging, what did you do, what were the outcomes and lessons learned;
  6. Risk ever take & learning/过去遇到的困难/ a situation you make an unpopular decision. The outcomes
  7. What social responsibility should a corporate undertake
  8. An example when you cannot give the customer what he/she is seeking. What did you do and the outcome
  9. an example you felt you were not successful as a leader, the outcomes and what did you learn
  10. 近期遇到的一个ineffective的领导,哪些方面体现,你怎么做,结果如何;
  11. Describe a recent situation in which you were working with others on a project, and these co-workers seemed not to be giving their best efforts. What did you do? What were the outcomes? What would you do differently if faced with a similar situation?
  12. Provide an example of an especially influential/impactful presentation that you delivered. What were the circumstances, what did you do to prepare and execute and what did you learn from the experience?
  13. Share a recent example of how you engaged others to participate in community activities outside of the workplace. Please include specifics on your actions, the outcomes and lessons learned.
  14. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done.


  1. Key factors when start a new project
  2. How to demonstrate the leadership?
  3. Stress management
  4. Time management
  5. 什么动机让你尽你最大努力去完成一件事
  6. What steps do you take to remain attentive during conversations
  7. 你解决一个难题的例子,你怎么做的, 为什么觉得是成功的。




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