
York Schulich Master Programs 问题合集 MSF/MACC等等 [2018.04.04]

[日期:2018-11-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:FakeEddieWang [字体: ]


School and program:

  1. Why Schulich?
  2. 为什么要选Schulich?为什么选这个项目?你的性格是怎么样的?
  3. 你能给Schulich带来什么特别的东西?
  4. Why did you choose your referees?
  5. Why not finance?
  6. What factors will lead you succeed in the program?
  7. What do you do for your community?
  8. What if you did not get admitted?


  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. 说说做过的worst decision/ how did you correct it。
  3. GPA.
  4. Process of making a decision.
  5. 说说没有达成的目标,怎么去补救的。
  6. 说说达成过的目标。
  7. 说说有pressure的时候并说说是怎么解决的。
  8. Talk about sth you did not write on the resume and the cover letter.
  9. Strength and weakness.


  1. 忘了题目是啥,但是我扯到了我leadership的事例 。
  2. 根据上面的题目,问我在做leader的时候有没有遇到什么难题。
  3. Dysfunctional team/ team members are not capable/How do you make sure a team works.
  4. How do you deal with the conflict within the team.  
  5. Provided some inconsistent information.
  6. Whats your weakness/ how did you overcome.
  7. Sth under pressure/ how did you overcome.
  8. A time use analytical skills to do the work.
  9. A time change the process to work.
  10. Quality to succeed in the accounting.
  11. Quality of a functional team.
  12. What did you do when you work with a difficult teammate.
  13. A work needs details and attention.
  14. Experience of volunteer.
  15. Something did not meet you expectation/ how did you overcome it.
  16. Definition of the team.
  17. An example of facts-find skills.




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