
Notre Dame (ND) MSA Zoom题目汇总 [2018.03.16]

[日期:2018-11-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:柒柒_77 [字体: ]


  1. Tell me about yourself 简单介绍,记得把自己的名字说慢点说清楚
  2. what brings you here to MSA program; why MSA program?;why accounting? 为什么继续读会计,
  3. WhyND? 怎么完成的想从MSA/圣母获得什么? 除了就业率高那些以外的原因 强调了more special and appealling What qualities do you look for when choosing MSA program? What brings you here today, you know, apply for the master in ND? (feedback :Wow u did a lot of research! What's the name of the alumni you reach out to ?)
  4. Tell me more about your big 4 internship and how it will help you contribute to the program(他更关注四大实习,一直问的四大)
  5. internship中比较challenge的部分?怎么克服
  6. Give yourself some advice back to freshman year?
  7. a situation that you sale an idea to others who is initially reluctant to accept
  8. things you have passion for other than study and work; Interest besides professional field
  9. How do your teammates或者同事 describe you? 你的合作风格什么样?因为课程中有很多合作的Case Study和group discussion
  10. how will your friends think of you?
  11. 工作学习中遇到要set priority的情况; How do you handle multiple tasks?
  12. 你喜欢看美国的comedy吗(这个问题也是很逗了)
  13. fun fact
  14. Q&A
  15. 你对于你application有什么要补充的吗?有什么需要我知道的吗?
  16. Specific Industry Long-term? City?company (big or small?)?Career goal (be more specific) &back-up plan
  17. What kind of people do you want to work with? ( consider your own strength and weakness)
  18. besides MSA, your goal (professional and personal), how you prepare for it
  19. what will you do if you can not find job in America
  20. constructive criticism (Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of 'constructive criticism is to improve the outcome-摘自google)
  21. 有没有被批评过?又是如何回应的; critism by professor or supervisor?your response/how did you handle it?
  22. What would you like to learn from our career coach? ;如果给你一个career coach你想问什么?然而他就是career coach。。所以他即刻予以了回复;如果现在给你一个career coach (类似于career advisor,可以给你选工作帮你mock interview),你希望从他们身上学到些神马?
  23. 你有设立过一个目标吗? 你有什么目标,打算怎么实现?
  24. what you can bring to ND community
  25. 最喜欢的leader;Describe your leader;leadership应具有什么品质;你钦佩的人 (偶像);Pick a quality of good leader;describe a boss/leader you ;你觉得leadership style应该是什么样?leader style you admire admire;你会希望有什么样的人领导你?
  26. One most important quality that auditors should have
  27. 今年summer打算干什么
  28. 做过什么你做过别人不知道的事情
  29. deal with team member who is struggling
  30. how your classmates describe you
  31. three words to describe yourself
  32. three words to describe you in professional field
  33. three words to describe yourself
  34. Anything not in applicaion that you want to add
  35. How other's Working Style affect you
  36. Leadership experience (好像问了leadership weakness)
  37. 问到怎么有没有遇到unethical situation,怎么deal with it
  38. 问到来美国遇到很多culture difference怎么解决(本人美本)




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