
[已录] WPI 伍斯特理工 MSMI 面经 [2018.03.16]

[日期:2018-11-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:JohnRabbit [字体: ]


  1. 事先多看几遍introduction视频,记住WPI的全称读发和自己申请的专业避免尴尬。
  2. 条件允许开个word小窗把(关键词)打出来,作为提醒自己的点。注意千万不要通篇打出来,你读或者找句子的眼神,迟疑的几秒人家一下就看出来了。
  3. 问题是以视频的方式提问的,一位老师会说出问题(只有一遍抓关键点),视频结束后你开始说。
  4. 时间很短应该是60-90s,尽量语速快一点,但也不用rush,他们除了听答案也是观察你在摄像头前的表现。


  1. Dreaming Career? My dreaming career is to establish my own business at my middle age. Before that I have to work hard to accumulate my wealth, experience and connections, foundation of my future success. The strong alumni of HIT and WPI can provide great chances for me to meet great people with different skills but same value. A team will be setup, and I will lead my team, use everything I learned in WPI such as negotiation, communication and other analyzing skills to raise funds, develop products and sell them to the right people.
  2. 这个program如何帮助达成goal? / Why this program? Why WPI? I choose WPI because it enjoys high prestige, accepted and respected by the whole world. It’s really kind of honor to further my study in here. It’s academic-oriented atmosphere is really close to my undergraduate school HIT, when we are doing sth we mean it. I really like this serious spirit. And the climate of New York state is another factor since I came form the very northeast of China. Marketing Innovation A.Family: B.Curriculum: real world business problem solving courses: practical skills CB BM Analysis C.Entrepreneurship, communication and group interpersonal
  3. 在一个怎么样的group task里面,你做了什么让这个task成功?
  4. 在学习工作之外,最喜欢什么activity? Photograph: First cam from dad (stock) Plants animals people archtecture, like the sound of my shot click Meeting, party, volunteer work Posted on the school pages, newspapers and posters Exciting to catch splendid moments in my life love of life: passion achieve everything and fear nothing
  5. Describe team work Vital, Strategy, solution: one can never achieve The power of teamwork is far more greater than the sum of every single one. Secret of teamwork: is to put the right one in the right position (learn lesson from my own exp) Avoid mistakes: clash of personalities, conflict of timetable/tasks Teammate: just do your job; head: control the whole progress and be responsible for your choice
  6. 你梦想的旅游地点




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