
IC Strategic marketing Video面经 [2018.03.07]

[日期:2018-11-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:lester1333 [字体: ]

昨天刚录完strategic marketing的video interview,下面是我面试时遇到的题目:

  1. 你身上有什么可以成功的品质?
  2. 进ic的第一节课你如何向你的同学介绍你自己,你最想让他们了解你什么?
  3. 你课外有什么兴趣爱好,这些兴趣爱好可以帮助到你什么?
  4. 你和一个你想去工作的公司的职员约好早上一起喝咖啡,但那个职员临时给你发邮件说有事情不能见面了,你该如何回邮件?
  5. What market research do you think is particularly suited to uncovering completely new and untapped customer needs?



  1. fail to achieve a goal
  2. Share a non-academic teamwork experience what's your role
  3. do you have a adventurous out of study?
  4. if you meet a setback, how will you solve it?
  5. How do you define success in your career and how to measure your progress?
  6. One overcome opposition experience (understand the opposition, come up with solution).
  7. Your biggest achievement during bachelor degree, how can that benefit your master degree.
  8. Describe a challenge and how you meet the challenge?
  9. What was your biggest difficulty you had in your internship? And how to overcome? / How to meet the challenges?
  10. Time achieved goal under difficult circumstances
  11. Achievement and how does it relate to your MSc study
  12. Charity, community projects have you joined and what you learned from this?
  13. Give an example of how your previous experience has prepared you for a Master's at Imperial College Business School.
  14. Tell us about your greatest strength. How have you developed this strength and how has it helped you succeed?
  15. Think about your strengths and weakness, how will IC help you develop your strengths and get over of your weakness.
  16. you challenge outside of work and study?

Teamwork and Leadership

  1. in limited time, as a leader how to motivate member
  2. Please tell me about an experience where you led a team that consisted of a group of very different individuals. What did you do to lead the team to accomplish the objective, and what was the outcome?
  3. how to motivate the team member who is in struggling
  4. if a group member made a mistake, how can you solve it without affecting the motivation?
  5. Now you are a team leader and you want to take a certain action, but your team members are hesitating. What would you do to persuade them?
  6. how are you involved with your community outside of the classroom? What impact have you made in this area?
  7. Non-academic teamwork experience
  8. If you have different idea with the team leader, how can you communicate with him?
  9. When you work in a new team, how will you cooperate with others, and what roles will you take and why?
  10. if someone in your team doesn’t get along well with others what will you do?
  11. Describe your favourite leader when you were young
  12. Leadership experience
  13. if you find your teammate made a mistake, how do you warn him but not affect his motivation.
  14. Your team is losing momentum and how will you motivate your teammates.
  15. if your programme is run out of the funds, how do you persuade your donors to invest more money.
  16. Describe a time when you have worked hard on a project that benefitted others, outside the classroom. How did this make you feel?

Outside class/ hobby/ interests

  1. A biggest extracurricular passion and how you go for it.
  2. special hobby/ The most unusual hobby/interest
  3. why people need hobby Value/Ambition 1.Ambition other than your career and studies 2.what attributes do you think you have that will make you highly employable 3.Goal of life
  4. Future plan in 5 years and 10years
  5. How to differentiate yourself from other candidates


  1. How do your friend introduce you
  2. In a career fair, you meet a HR, how can you make him remember you and differentiate from others.
  3. How to introduce yourself in the first lesson in IC, and let other people remember you
  4. If you meet your favorite boss in the lift, how will you introduce yourself?
  5. If you have interview with that company tomorrow, how will you persuade them to hire you?
  6. how do you introduce yourself to your boss and tell him your passion?


  1. the industry you want to work most
  2. What do you think is the most difficult part in learning strategic marketing, how can you solve it?
  3. Why IC? Why MKTG? Why London? What would your previous experience help you to apply this program?
  4. What company do you want to join most? Why? And their strategy?
  5. What are three most important skills that company requires?
  6. You speak to your boss about an overdue promotion. She is hesitating. Show us how you will negotiate with this outcome.

Written question

  1. What kind of classmate you hope in your classes, and what can you bring to student community?
  2. How do you know IC and what inspire you to apply it?
  3. Most exciting about studying in London
  4. After graduation, what can you contribute to the society from your major
  5. How can you take part in IC actively?
  6. What did you learn from your independent work?
  7. What do you think Strategic marketing can help you achieve personal achievement?
  8. What you learnt about yourself in a teamwork?
  9. imperial college is incredibly diverse, how it would improve your experience?
  10. How to prove you are a valuable addition to IC /What values will you bring to IC/MKT, including skills, abilities, etc.
  11. Compare two companies in the same sector. How do they differentiate their products to target potential customers?
  12. What is strategic marketing different from programme in other school?
  13. What motivated you to be successful and why?
  14. What features do successful global businesses have in common?
  15. What kind of suggest you want to get before you go to master?
  16. Describe a favourite business leader, do you have some similarity with him or her?
  17. What’s your strength and weakness and how IC can help you?
  18. Tell me about a recent business story that interests you, what did you learn from it?
  19. Biggest outstanding perspective of this programme/ which part in this program most interest you/ programme research.
  20. How do you show your leadership during work?
  21. Who is your hero in your childhood, how can he affect you?
  22. What’s your earliest career goal and how does it change over time?
  23. You’ve just completed an internship that you feel wasn’t a success for you personally. In around 250 words, craft your‘thank you and farewell’ email to the manager you reported to for the internship./thank you and farewell letter.
  24. You met an alumni in the career fair and write an email to him to ask for some information.
  25. Introduction letter in your new company
  26. you received an offer from a company which is your second choice and you are still waiting for your first-choice company, you don’t want to lose the opportunity of the second choice. how do you respond the email?
  27. Your professor is talking with an CEO of a big company in a meeting, how do you write the email to ask your professor to introduce you to that CEO?

Marketing questions

  1. how to judge the success of marketing campaign
  2. Compare two companies in a same sector. How do they differentiate their products to target potential customers?
  3. what are marketing structures?
  4. describe a marketing strategy of a famous brand
  5. What do you think are some of the key difference between business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing and business-to-business (B2B) marketing?
  6. What are the differences between marketing strategy and marketing tactic?
  7. Describe a marketing strategy adopted by a well-known brand
  8. What’s in your opinion, is the most important innovation in marketing in the last 20years? Why?
  9. Give an example of a brand that used online campaigns to try and change their brand image. Were they successful in doing so? Why or why not?
  10. In your view, what is the single most important determinant of success for a brand, and why?
  11. Tell me about a recently-developed marketing tool or techniques that interests you.
  12. Consider a brand that you like. What are the key marketing elements or campaigns that make this brand stand out for you?
  13. What market research method do you think is particularly suited to uncovering completely new and untapped customer needs?
  14. key elements of a marketing plan.
  15. What qualities should a successful marketer possess?
  16. Differences between Marketing strategy and marketing tactics?
  17. Sometimes people in one company’s marketing department will conflict with those R&D department, what do you think?
  18. how do you keep yourself up to date of new marketing techniques/ information
  19. do you agree customer is god?
  20. what is the most effective way to do marketing when you have limited budget?
  21. What are the benefit of loyalty programme?
  22. new digital marketing technology change the purchase behaviour of customers.
  23. what is the difference between the way companies are now communicate with customers?
  24. How to ensure you are up to date with new marketing techniques?
  25. What qualities should a successful marketer possess?




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