
[已录] Duke MMS FOB 面经 with Michele White [2018.03.05]

[日期:2018-11-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:dandelion333 [字体: ]

3/13 在Applicant Self-service查收到录取了!


Duke文书的重要性就不多说了,很注重diversity和teamwork,25 random things可以有很多发挥的空间。真的有一种把从小到大干过的事翻箱倒柜找出来的感觉,发掘出各种以前自己没有意识到的fun facts。

收到面试邀请之后,我在官网上找到了admission ambassador(都是alum),然后在LinkedIn上connect问能不能set up phone call了解多一点这个项目,他们十分乐意,有两个还帮我mock了,给了很多很中肯的意见,这也使得我觉得面试的时候感觉很顺,还是很有用的。


Understanding of Team Fuqua: Team Fuqua speaks to the unique collaborative culture that is seldom found in business schools. Many assignments are case and team based. This system is also present at Harvard to some extent, but when compared to schools like Booth or Sloan, it couldn’t be much more different. Fuqua emphasizes diversity in work experience and culture and this is reflected in the composition of the teams. Each person brings their own unique perspective and finds their way to contribute to a shared goal.

Alumni resources: You’re correct that during a significant portion of the program (25-50%) you’ll be balancing a full class load with recruiting and networking. MMS students are granted full access to all alumni databases and in my experience they have been open to sharing advice. The career resources center does a good job of preparing students for behavioral interviews and sharing more general job search tips. In certain cases they may help you connect with specific alumni to aid in your job search.

What qualities the admission office is looking for: The interview is behavioral and they're mainly looking for people that have demonstrated three main things:

  1. Success in their passions, no matter the area. This could be those from traditional backgrounds such as finance, consulting, or economics, or those from others like athletics, liberal arts, and clubs.
  2. A strong understanding of what MMS is, and more importantly, what it isn't. It's not a guaranteed way to get a job, and it requires a considerable amount of individual effort to get one. MMS merely provides resources, it's entirely on the student to make best use of them.
  3. An ability to work in teams. For reasons stated previously.

大概是R2最后一个面试了的吧,之前校友一直reschedule到最后还是没空,换成了admissions counselor给我面。人很nice,一直在记笔记,但也很conversational,放上面筋求好运~

  1. How do you think your friends and family would describle you
  2. Why did you make such commitment coming to US for college?
  3. Any difficulty transitioning and adapting?
  4. Your leadership experience
  5. Describe a leader you looked up to
  6. Team comflicts/ A situation in which you had a disagreement with teammates
  7. What would you do if your teammate is shy
  8. How did you learn Fuqua/ Why Fuqua?
  9. Why do you think MMS program is a best fit for you?
  10. Passion outside professional life and academic life
  11. Career goals (我主动share了backup plan)
  12. Understanding of Team Fuqua(因为我说了我reached out to MMS alum and stuffs)
  13. Q&A

因为比较freestyle,讲到哪问到哪,有些问题记不起来了,记起来会上来更新的 附上面筋整理,祝接下来面试的大家好运!


  1. Tell me more about yourself; (information not shown on cv)
  2. What's your career goal? Why? (Go back to China or stay in the US)
  3. Tell me about your (latest) internship experience/ what did you do and what you learned from that
  4. How did you find your internships?
  5. Your biggest strength and weakness/在internship里认识到自己的strength和weakness/ strengths that can contribute to Fuqua
  6. What can you contribute to this program? / 有什么能在hard skill soft skill方面跟大家分享的
  7. What are soft skills? / Soft skills to be improved
  8. Tell me about the soft skills you learned from your internship experience
  9. How your friends describe you/ How do your teammate describe you?
  10. 5 words describe yourself/ How do you describe yourself?
  11. Your greatest accomplishment
  12. How you overcome difficulties?
  13. The most creative things you've done? / Some productive work (create something new)
  14. What clubs or activities you want to attend if admitted? / Clubs you want to join at Fuqua?
  15. Interests? / Passion beyond academic and professional field
  16. Any other school you apply for/plan B if you are not admitted


  1. Why Duke? Why Fuqua
  2. why MMS? / How can MMS help you/ The biggest opportunity in Fuqua/ Any research of career resources in Fuqua
  3. What is Team Fuqua? How do you know? /Understanding of Team Fuqua
  4. Have you talked to any alumni at Fuqua?


  1. Good teamwork experience;
  2. Conflicts in teamwork/ Challenging teamwork experience/ a challenge in teamwork
  3. Role that I play in a team/ favorite role in a team (not a leader)
  4. Qualities that a team need
  5. How do you approach a group of people when you know no one?
  6. Negative feedback from team members and how I grew from that
  7. What diversity means to you and why it’s important /Why is diversity important?


  1. Leadership experience? What did you do?
  2. Use three points to illustrate how you succeeded in your leadership experience
  3. 理想的Leadership是怎样的?你是怎么实践这样的Leadership的?
  4. A leader you admire
  5. An experience where you notice your leader didn't do well
  6. What kind of leader you want to be in Fuqua




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