
UR/Rochester Zoom面经 [2018.02.07]

[日期:2018-11-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Augustus8 [字体: ]



  1. Self-introduction.
  2. Why Simon/ How do you think Simon can help you?
  3. Why BA?
  4. Leadership experience,leadership style.
  5. What is your future plan after graduation? (我是按S/L goal来说的)
  6. How does others will describe you?
  7. Oversea experience/cross culture experience/culture shock.
  8. What programming language do you know?
  9. How do you use analytical tools in your work or school?
  10. How do you prepare for BA?
  11. Share a quantitative/programming experience in project.
  12. Typing: when you have multiple projects how do you prioritize?

面试一共45分钟,回答问题35 min, typing 4 min, Q&A 5 min。

1.3 submit
1.7 completed
2.2 receive interview invitation
2.7 interview

附一个自己总结的UR面筋问题,总结一共34个问题和问题的回答。这些问题覆盖了MSA,MSF, MSBA, MSMA, 感觉每个项目的问题都差不多,唯一BA和别的项目不一样的地方是会问会什么编程工具,用这些编程工具做过什么项目,学校,实习,工作中都可以。


  1. Self-introduction.
  2. Why Simon/ How do you think Simon can help you?
  3. Why BA?
  4. Leadership experience.
  5. leadership style.
  6. Teamwork experience/并且介绍你担任的role.
  7. What is strength that you possess that will help differentiate you from other Simon School MSBA applicants?
  8. Strength and weakness.
  9. ST LT career plan.
  10. Back-up plan.
  11. Challenge/challenge in a project.
  12. How does others will describe you
  13. Oversea experience/cross culture experience/culture shock.
  14. What programming language do you know?
  15. How do you use analytical tools in your work or school?
  16. Your most outstanding skill.
  17. Hobby.
  18. Activities u interested in Simon/student club.
  19. How do you manage time?
  20. How to cope with stress
  21. How do you prepare for BA?
  22. Most interesting thing in China.
  23. Talk about your greatest achievement.
  24. Challenges when you are seeking jobs.
  25. What makes Simon special?
  26. Share a quantitative/programming experience in project.
  27. Weakness in your application. How your other strengths can complement your weakness?
  28. What's your biggest decision to date?
  29. Experience of dealing multitasks at the same time.
  30. Experience of failure.
  31. Did you ever made a risky decision? Why? How did you handle it?
  32. Ethical dilemma.
  33. What you can bring/contribute to Simon?
  34. What skills do you want to develop in business school?




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