
Stanford essay question的疑惑

[日期:2006-11-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:intotheblue [字体: ]

--  作者:intotheblue
--  发布时间:2006-11-3 8:42:00
--  Stanford essay question的疑惑

Essay A : What matters most to you, and why?


--  作者:fantasy06
--  发布时间:2006-11-3 9:01:00


--  作者:shalomtang
--  发布时间:2006-11-3 11:36:00

In the first essay, tell a story—and tell a story that only you can tell. This essay should be descriptive and told in a straightforward and sincere way. This probably sounds strange, since these are essays for business school, but we don’t expect to hear about your business experience in this essay (though, of course, you are free to write about whatever you would like). Remember that we have your entire application—work history, letters of reference, short-answer responses, etc.—to learn what you have accomplished and the type of impact you have made. Your task in this first essay is to connect the people, situations, and events in your life with the values you adhere to and the choices you have made. This essay gives you a terrific opportunity to learn about yourself!

Many good essays describe the "what," but great essays move to the next order and describe how and why these "whats" have influenced your life. The most common mistake applicants make is spending too much time describing the "what" and not enough time describing how and why these guiding forces have shaped your behavior, attitudes, and objectives in your personal and professional lives. Please be assured that we do appreciate and reward thoughtful self-assessment and appropriate levels of self-disclosure. - excerpts from Stanford Admin

--  作者:shalomtang
--  发布时间:2006-11-3 11:39:00

There're some other helpful information about the Stanford application on CD forum, just search it. Don't forget to read the famous article titled "但请高声语"



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