
Brandeis Kira Interview [2018.01.23]

[日期:2018-06-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:车厘子233 [字体: ]

我绝对是R2最后一个了吧。昨天从下午三点开始折腾电脑到晚上12点,妆化的好好的也只有卸了睡觉,真的崩溃。找不到Kira App,电脑要么网不行要么摄像头打不开,反正各种问题。结果今天上午极速顺利就搞完了。准备了半天,结果虽然遇到的都是原题,但还是结结巴巴,一首凉凉送给自己。昨天的状态完全没有了。在20号某个同学的基础上加上后面两天的题分类整理了一下,说一下我的作文貌似之前没看到过:Talk about a piece of technology that brings you joy。

Go through resume并解释某些选择的原因(必答)。


  1. Tell me about your personal traits.
  2. 你的同班同学或者同事认为你是个怎样的人,你觉得他们的描述准确么?
  3. 你的什么traits让你觉得骄傲?
  4. How does your professor describe you?
  5. Three words to describe yourself and why(1.5 mins).


  1. Are you more comfortable collaborating or leading in group?
  2. Tell me about the achievement you are most proud of. How did this achievement affect you and other people's lives?
  3. Tell me about a collaborative experience and what did you learn?
  4. 你能对team有什么贡献?
  5. Have you ever had to demonstrate your leadership skills in a stressful situation? What was the ultimate resolution?
  6. What's your biggest contribution to a group, professional or volunteer experience?
  7. What is the most important job tasked with a leading team towards a common goal.
  8. Describe a time when you have conflict with your colleague, how you deal with it?
  9. Is it better to be flexible when working with difficulty people, or is it better to stand on your own? Share a situation when you had to work with a difficulty person and what was your choice? — flexible


  1. What kind of music are you into?
    I’m a fan of jazz, not only because it’s bright, vivid and make me feel comfortable and alive, but also because it reflects the mainstream of values about culture, that is, tolerance and equality. Blues and ragtime, as the origin of jazz, influence the style of jazz a lot. The integration of European and African style music shows respect to various cultures regardless of race.
  2. What is your idea of a perfect day?
  3. Free day,你想做什么?
    If I have a free day, I would like to ride the fastest roller coasters in the world. Not brave enough, challenge my limit and boost my courage; scientific research, relieve my pressure.
  4. Your favorite TV show
    My favorite TV show is Shark tank. Companies in need of financing including start-up company; famous people in various fields who are wealthy and seek investment; interest in business;innovative ideas and business model supplement to my knowledge and imagination.
  5. 你最想去的一个地方?
    Antarctic, risky experience, challenge the limit physically and mentally, appreciate the power of nature and the beautiful scenery where people hardly reach
  6. 交流的时候喜欢说还是写?
    Speak, more exact information because the writing you see may contain different kinds of emotions and meanings while speaking can indicate clear info with the tone, the action.


  1. 有没有海外学习的经历?没有的话想去哪?
    In order to experience living and studying in America, I applied the summer session of UCLA in 2016. In the course named product development, I cooperate with several American classmates to finish an entrepreneurship program. Through the teamwork process and knowledge in classroom, my oral English skills, adaptability and creativity improved a lot, and I got a more specific perception of how American universities educate students and how students interact with teachers, which helps me get more prepared for graduate studies in America.
  2. Biggest academic success and biggest academic failure.
    I got a very satisfying grade of 92 in the course named ACM programing, general course and less professional, but require me a lot of efforts to be more comprehensive,reflect more integrated ability and knowledge.
    Collect and analyze data, share my opinions and ideas with my teacher who is in charge of my senior thesis, but she said it’s not mature and the analyzing results is useless.
  3. Why you chose your undergrad major?
    I have fostered the awareness of rational consumption and investment by analyzing the risks and profits of different financial products and investing my pocket money to the most suitable products. My hands-on investing experience made me realize the significance of financial theories and quantitative analysis.
  4. Think out of box,在一个project的经验。
  5. 最challenging的course是?
    ACM programing, general course and less professional, but require me a lot of efforts to be more comprehensive, reflect more integrated ability and knowledge. Teacher require us to attend the ACM contest with students who are completely strangers to each other.
  6. 在academic有哪些不足,打算怎么做?
    I am not good at doing academic research, especially doing things like reading literatures, summarize and trying to come up with some new hypothesis that is theoretically correct.However,I am working hard to establish my own ways of doing research, review and learn from the experience of doing senior thesis under teachers’ guidance.
  7. 学习一个技能学什么?
    Travel through time and space, just like the dimension door of the comic character Doraemon. Experience different living styles across time, way of thinking, attitudes and values; save transportation fee&time, get more time for other valuable things, no rush.


  1. 工作中碰到的challenge。(1.5mins)
  2. Stressful situation learn from it什么东西?
  3. What motivates you when you are under pressure or things do not go according to your plan?
  4. Tell us about a successful experience, whether academically or professionally, but you don't want to repeat. And give the reasons why you don't want to repeat.
  5. Top 3-5 factors that motivate you in a job?
  6. Talk about one mistake and how you reflect?


What is the common value you share with Brandeis University or BIS?
The numbers of female,attention to female faculty and students,more opportunity.


  1. 如果你能跟五年前的你说话,你会说什么?然后你现在会有什么不同?
    I will say the following words to myself 5 years ago:
  2. 最近五年想提升自己哪些不足?
  3. How would you describe your hometown to someone never been there before?
    My hometown is Chengdu.
  4. If you can have dinner with three people, alive or died, who do you want to talk to?
    Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch, talk about what kind of attributes that a successful entrepreneur needs.
  5. Talk about a historical figure who have great impact on you.
  6. 是谁帮助你走到今天?
  7. 一个role model,然后他对他的industry和community的影响。
  8. Tell me an important issue faced by your country.What are required to resolve the issue?
  9. 现在的政治环境对全球经济发展更有利还是更困难?
  10. How do you rate success,give an example.
  11. If your weren't pursuing this degree, what other area of interest would you pursue?
  12. 你什么时候处于一个 unpopurlar position? 你为什么会处于这个position?

八、Writing (5mins)

  1. 最喜欢的电影
    Modern times
  2. 你想变成哪种动物,为什么?
  3. Favorite food and why?
  4. 最喜欢的旅游地点。
  5. Your favorite app?
  6. Tell me about your pet peeve.
  7. One of your favorite hobbies.
  8. 最喜欢的冰淇淋口味。
  9. Your favorite number (writing, 5 mins)
  10. What is your favourite toy as a child?
  11. What's your favorite midnight snack?
  12. 你最喜欢的书(written)
  13. 如果一定要在skydiving和bungee jumping中选一个,你会选哪一个?
  14. An impressive course you had.
  15. Weather you like?
  16. Live in the country or city?
  17. What do you do for fun?




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