
18 Fall Brandeis 面经汇总 截至到2018.1.13 [2018.01.13]

[日期:2018-06-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Hhelloviv [字体: ]


我遇到的题除了必有的go through resume之外还有:

  1. Academic success and failure?
  2. 最近五年想提升自己哪些不足?
  3. 在Academic有哪些不足,打算怎么做?
  4. 写作:最喜欢的冰淇淋口味(猝不及防)。


  1. Go through resume并解释某些选择的原因,必答。
  2. Tell me about your personal traits.
  3. Tell me about a collaborative experience and what did you learn?
  4. What kind of music are you into.
  5. 如果你能跟五年前的你说话,你会说什么?然后你现在会有什么不同?
  6. 你能对team有什么贡献。
  7. 你的同班同学或者同事认为你是个怎样的人,你觉得他们的描述准确么?
  8. Free day,你想做什么。
  9. Describe a time when you have conflict with your colleague, how you deal with it?
  10. Your favorite TV show.
  11. How would you describe your hometown to someone never been there before?
  12. Have you ever had to demonstrate your leadership skills in a stressful situation? What was the ultimate solution?
  13. 你最想去的一个地方。
  14. 有没有海外学习的经历?没有的话想去哪?
  15. If you can have dinner with three people, alive or died, who do you want to talk to?
  16. What's your biggest contribution to a group, professional or volunteer experience?
  17. 工作中碰到的challenge。
  18. Is it better to be flexible when working with difficulty people, or is it better to stand on your own? Share a situation when you had to work with a difficulty person and what was your choice?
  19. 是谁帮助你走到今天(我就说了妈妈,一方面是精神支持,另一方面她是独立的、有自己事业的女性,所以对我也是一个inspiration。)
  20. Stressful situation,learn from it什么东西?
  21. 你的什么traits让你觉得骄傲?
  22. What is the common value you share with Brandeis University or BIS?
  23. What is the most important job tasked with a leading team towards a common goal?
  24. Biggest academic success and biggest academic failure.
  25. What motivates you when you are under pressure or things do not go according to your plan?
  26. Talk about a historical figure who have great impact on you.

Writing (5mins)

  1. 最喜欢的电影
  2. 你想变成哪种动物,为什么?
  3. Favorite food and why?
  4. 最喜欢的旅游地点
  5. Your favorite app?
  6. Tell me about your pet peeve.
  7. One of your favorite hobbies.




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