Submitted on 1/5 deadline, got invitation on 1/10, interviewed on 2/2.
Interview type: Skype interview with a second-year student, very friendly.
- Introduce yourself (With a lot of follow-up questions regarding my career goal).
- Where do you want to work post-MBA?
- Why MBA?
- Why Anderson?
- Short-term and Long-term goal.
- What’s your strength in a teamwork case?
- Tell me an example from your previous work.
- When you join a student managed fund or a learning team, you have to work with a team and maybe there’s some situation, how will you deal with it?
- As for recruitment, how do you expect Anderson can help you?
- Plan B.
- How will you sell you ESG fund to investors who only want to earn profit?
- How is your current job gonna help you to obtain the skills required to become a fund manager?
Hope it helps. Good luck everyone!