
JHU MSF R2 Kira 面经 [2018.01.08]

[日期:2018-03-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:迪瑟夫魔 [字体: ]



  • 第一个题目问的是:一个你预见会成功的solution,为什么你觉得他会成功,怎么成功的。
  • 第二个是在工作或者学习中你做了什么to make improvement the performance大概好像是这个意思。




  1. Something went wrong in your teamwork.
  2. Do poor in last semester's exams,what will you do next semester之类的。


  1. Describe a new situation where no guidelines are available and what the outcomes are.
  2. Describe an experience how you manage your feelings of anxiety.
  1. 一个group member遇到了challenge,怎么办,结果怎样?
  2. Accomplishment outside workplace and classroom
  3. The plan of finding employment after graduation.
  4. Find a new solution to a problem in the work.
  5. Interview:

  6. Tell me an example of how you analysed data to form decision making.
  7. Tell me a problem you met at work.
  8. Practice:

  9. What's your favourite movie?
  10. Tell us about a time when you questioned a practice or procedure in your job or work area.
  11. What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on your outlook? Why?
  12. 写作是校友提供实习机会,写信
  13. 今天刚面完JHU,攒人品发一下题目,希望一切顺利。


  14. Distractions at work,how to deal with it and what's the outcome?
  15. How do you plan to get involved outside the classroom at JHU? 大概是这个意思。
  16. 祝大家好运


  17. 一次你notice你的teammates have challenge in doing sth。你是怎么response的,结果怎样?
  18. What does it mean to you to be an involved alum?
  19. 祝大家能遇到自己准备好的题目啦。

  20. At work you notice a issue need immediate attention。大意好像是遇到的一个需要立即解决的问题
  21. At work the stressful experience.
  22. 第一个题目实在太长了,大概就是描述了一个situation:your team做了一个决定,但你觉得还是not enough,就carry out your own plan并且最后取得成功,想一个事例就好。
  23. 第二个题目要describe an exhilarating experience,然后why this experience。
  24. Reprot positive and negative feedback to superior, how to do it effectively and clearly.
  25. Give an example on your team working do not goes well.
  26. 一次你需要帮别人做additional work的经历,对小组有什么影响,小组有什么反应?
  27. 你过去成功或失败的经历对你后来改进有什么影响作用。
  28. Tell us about an example where you come up with an innovative idea in your study or work,why you come up with this idea and what’s the outcome?
  29. Can you tell me about a time when you used positive emotions to help you accomplish school or work goals and cope with challenges? What did you do, and what was the outcome?
  30. 一个情景题,问:如果你很concern你的成绩,要给教授写封email,你会怎么写?250 Words。
  31. How to put you envisions into community outside the Carey?
  32. A disruption or stressful events to your work?
  33. The plan of finding employment after graduation.
  34. Find a new solution to a problem in the work.
  35. Tell us about a time when you questioned a practice or procedure in your job or work area.
  36. What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on your outlook? Why?
  37. Distractions at work,how to deal with it and what's the outcome?
  38. How do you plan to get involved outside the classroom at JHU?大概是这个意思。
  39. 一次你seek feedback的经历,以及你seek了feedback之后拿来干什么?
  40. 在做project的时候怎么确定重要信息inform到了teammate,你一般是怎么inform他们的。
  41. Written business with humanity in mind 的人或企业。
  42. 一次你notice你的teammates have challenge in doing sth。你是怎么response的,结果怎样?
  43. What does it means to you to be an involved alum?
  44. 遇到somebody非常resistant to change的经历。
  45. 说一个你写非常complex或非常长的document的experience。
  46. What do you think is the major challenge in global economy nowadays?
  47. Talk about an experience you assemble a team。
  48. 作文:business with humanity in mind in practice。
  49. A experience you show appreciation to others because of good job. How did you do that? What is the reaction of others?
  50. A example you face frequent distraction. How did you deal with it?
  51. Make improvement或者解决current problem的经历and what was the result?
  52. How did you deal with your stress? What was the result?
  53. 跟团队中的member发生conflict, 怎么解决的(面经有的)。
  54. 当你录取后,如何提高课堂的学习氛围。
  55. 有没有遇到过整个队伍都处于高压力下的时刻,你是怎么应对的,最后结果如何?
  56. 你认为在职业道路上,最重要的导致成功的因素是什么?
  57. 关于写作,不知道这个是根据什么发的。之前看面筋有的笔试是Business with Humanity in Mind,这个题目是楼主在essay中碰到的。

    记不得了,不太好描述。我举个例子:比如做一个project,原本要求是查数据就可以了,但是你还想做得更好。想做个调查,然后你是怎么做的,结果如何。 这是我举的例子,大意就是让你自己举个例子说明你额外做的东西。



  58. 举一个生活和学习中被打扰的例子,说你怎么做的和结果。
  59. An example that you take initiative to learn a new culture.
  60. 记不得了,不太好描述。我举个例子:比如做一个project,原本要求是查数据就可以了,但是你还想做得更好。想做个调查,然后你是怎么做的,结果如何。 这是我举得例子,大意就是让你自己举个例子说明你额外做的东西
  61. 问一个alternative apporach解决一个问题,最后结果是什么。
  62. 英国脱欧5年内的影响。
  63. 描述一个你的行为不好地影响了你的专业性的经验,并说说是如何应对的。
  64. 过去六个月世界范围内发生的经济大事件。
  65. (终于成功的)描述一次向他人寻求帮助的经历。
  66. 当你遇到一个问题不知道从哪里入手的时候,你是怎么处理的。
  67. 你想学到一项课本上学习不到的技能,你是怎么做的。
  68. Describe an disagreement with colleagues or customers。(之前在cd上见到过的)
  69. Describe a time when you discovered that school or work was affecting your life outside school or work? What did you do? Result? (这个问题原题应该更长。反正我看到的第一眼是懵逼,然后读句子意思读了2,3次吧,真的很长。)。
  70. 描述一个distraction of work or study的经历,怎么解决的,结果如何。(这个面经里有看到)
  71. 描述一次have influence on a few key stakeholder。
  72. 说一个project对accuracy要求很高,我没准备这个,很gg。
  73. 说一个innovative的idea or solution,这个很常规。
  74. 举例说明你的speaking or listening能力很强(这个题目很长,将近五行的样子。题目刚出来的时候楼主被吓了一跳,心跳加速,但是仔细看还是属于常规题。)。
  75. Tell a experience that has great impact on your outlook and why?(这题是之前准备过程中没遇到过的,感觉有点反常规。)。
  76. 暗暗刷了CD超久,这次终于能回馈一下了,两题video一题written,基本都有准备到了。小伙伴们分享的题库和面经真的超有用!基本押题!

  77. Describe a time you take some risks to achieve your plan.
  78. Describe a time you are frustrated/overwhelmed by your work.
  79. What humanity with business in mind means and give an example of people or company.
  80. 一件你完成的go beyond the direction u got的事情 和它的影响
  81. 说一说你写过的解决一件in-depth问题的document。
  82. Example of establishing two way communication and how you facilitated this process.
  83. Please give an example of a work or academic experience you felt particularly motivated.What did you do, what was the outcome?
  84. 怎么样保证是accurate information。
  85. 说一次你经历的limitation to underperformance,what did you do and what was the outcome。
  86. 在学术或者工作中,发现自己的知识需要update的时候,结果怎么样?
  87. 如何通知别人,如何确保他人接到了通知?
  88. 请你描述一个情况,在这个情况下通常的方法不管用,于是你选了另外一个方法。这个方法成功了吗?这件事结果如何?
  89. 为什么我们的项目使我们的学校对你来说与众不同(set our school apart for you)?
  90. 你预见到一件将要发生的事,并做了哪些准备措施(原文用的是prevent)。
  91. 你想到过最有创意的点子是什么。
  92. 你做的一件事,对准确度和细节有很高的要求,你如何ensure?
  93. 你遇到过最为复杂的问题,如何找到new approach来解决它以及outcome。
  94. 以上两题录制失败。

  95. 你如何帮助你的team member work?
  96. 描述一个你最近做的事情,你的优缺点对于outcome有什么影响以及你的经验教训。
  97. Describe a problem you identified that was not apparent to others. What information led you to the identification of this problem, and what solution did you implement?
  98. Tell me about a time when you noticed that work or school was affecting how you felt outside of work or school. What did you do to solve this, and how did it turn out.
  99. Describe a time when you had to analyze a problem to arrive at a solution. What steps did you take, and how did your analysis help you to deal with the situation?
  100. What is it about our program that sets our shool apart for you?
  101. 没有使用传统方式而是用了new approach,成功了没?
  102. 给予帮助
  103. Provide an example of a time when you required assistance from a team member to complete a project or activity.
  104. Provide an example of a time when you make an improvement of a project, what did you do and what’s the outcome?
  105. 讨论你assemble众人的一个时刻或活动。
  106. 想象下你的boss给你feedback,无论是positive还是negtive,你是如何把它转化为effctive的feedback的。
  107. 你该如何融入商学院外的community。
  108. 说一个你觉得最疲劳的活动,以及为什么要做它。
  109. 说一个你付出contribution最多的活动以及为什么。
  110. 有一个stakeholder的是以前的贴子里有的,就不写了。
  111. Give an example of your limitation led to underperformance. What did you do and what was the outcome.
  112. 举个例子有人upset,你要怎么interact with him然后the outcome of interaction。




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