
OSU Fisher Kira 回馈社会 [2017.11.29]

[日期:2018-01-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:凌羚翎 [字体: ]



  1. 你曾经遇到过团队中意见不统一的状况吗?你是怎么解决的?
  2. 你为什么对special field感兴趣?如果你拿到了offer,什么是你最看重的决定性因素?
    Why do the careers associated with this specific field interests you? If you have the opportunity to choose between multiple admission offer, what will be your determining factor?
  3. Describe a situation where you had to quickly adapt, due to a challenge in project demands to ensure your work was completed on time. What actions did you take, and what was the ultimate result?
  4. What factors contributed to your decision to apply to this program at Fisher? Tell us about your top three factors. If you have the opportunity to choose between multiple admissions offers, what will be your determining factor?
  5. Please give us an example of an academic or extracurricular activity from your current or previous education that has taught you something important, or changed your perspective in some way. Why do you think this is?
  6. Please tell us about a time when you noticed some team members participated less than others in group discussions. How did you personally help solve the issues, ans what was the outcome?(小组讨论时有没有不积极参与的人,你是怎么帮助他的)
  7. Outside of school and work, what is something that is very important to you? Why is this important to you and how have you committed yourself to it? Outside of school and work, what excites you? How do you make sure that you are able to bring this excitement into your everyday life?
  8. 描述一个通过学习新知识解决问题或者完成任务的事例?
  9. 你没有足够的tool来完成你需要做的事情,你是怎么处理的?结果是什么?
  10. Describe a situation where you had to quickly adapt, due to a challenge in project demands to ensure your work was completed on time. What actions did you take, and what was the ultimate result?


  1. Imagine a situation in which you are presented with an ethical dilemma with a significantly large “grey area”. How would you handle the situation? What factors would need to be considered?
  2. 描述一个你觉得诚实不是最好结局办法的事,你觉得应该考虑哪些方面?如果你发现你处于一个诚信不是最好的选择的状态,你会做什么?你觉得应该考虑哪些因素?
    Imagine a situation in which you realize that withholding information would cause less of a negative impact than telling the truth. How would you handle the situation? What factors would need to be considered?
  3. 如果你的co-worker有可能泄露公司的机密,你会怎么做,考虑哪些因素?





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