
WFU MSBA with Tyler [2017.12.23]

[日期:2018-01-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:李小沫 [字体: ]

11.30 submit online application
第二天收到面试通知(美本没有KIRA)预约12.14 面试with Tyler
12.22 收到offer

面试问题都是CD上面经有的。除此之外,还具体问了gap year的experience。 (我毕业之后gap了一年)

  1. 自我介绍 (originally from,why chose your undergraduate school)。
  2. Why WFU? Why BA?
  3. Why undergraduate? Why majors?
  4. What's your career goal? Long term and short term。
  5. 你觉得你申请BA项目你面临最大的挑战?
  6. 赶不上ddl的经历/describe a goal you didn't achieve and how did you deal with that/ describe a time when you get lost and how did you deal with it。
  7. 你收到过什么误解?怎么解决的(misconception)/ Describe a misconception of you and how you deal with it?
  8. How do you know about WFU?
  9. What organization tools do you use/ How do you manage to achieve so many tasks in your university life? (by using organization tools,setup priorities and making plans)
  10. How do you handle disappointment? (details!)
  11. Three strengths and three areas that you need to improve。
  12. Your favorite business leader。
  13. How do you motivate unmotivated teammates?
  14. What do you do to stay informed? /how do you stay informed? How do you get news?
  15. 3 things your supervisor would say about you?/ three things your prof would say about you/ What 3 words would others use to describe you?
  16. 别人怎么评价你,给你建议的。
  17. 有没有申请其他学校的项目。
  18. Teamwork最重要的三个点。
  19. Tell me 3 points that you learned from your mentors at school/at work。(不一定是同一个人)
  20. 有什么ethical challenge?
  21. Ethical dilemma

  22. 你进入一个团队最想让别人先了解你什么?/ What is the first thing you are going to do when you enter a new team?
  23. 怎么放松自己?/How do you handle pressure?
  24. Personal interest。
  25. 3 qualities for leader。
  26. 一次失败的teamwork/ Describe a situation when the teamwork didn't work well and what's your role in the teamwork?
  27. 你目前遇到过最大的团队挑战是什么?
  28. How will you teamwork in our MSBA program?
  29. Describe sth you are proud of as a team leader (successful teamwork)/ Please tell me your most successful leadership experience,and what do you think are the most important factors for a successful team?
  30. Describe a time when someone has different perspective with you,how will you do with it? (examples)
  31. Describe a situation where you challenge one of the team member without affecting the team。
  32. What can you contribute to the program?/ two skills that qualify you for MSBA at WFU。
  33. Share me an experience when you get a loss doing the thing you think is right。

By the way,WFU是先面试后审核材料且必须收到official的GRE/GMAT,report才开始审核。


bg:美本前50 gpa 3.7 gre 326 几段美国实习+国内银行水实习




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