
维多利亚UVic MGB项目 面经 [2017-03-11]

[日期:2017-07-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Stanzzz [字体: ]

面试其实是2017年3月11号。然后面完过两周左右告诉我我在waiting list上面。后来到6月中旬下了offer。


1.When did you start to consider a master program and why you like to do it oversea?

After my graduation I decided to study abroad. Now I am working in a supply chain company, and I found that I was not quite satisfied with this job. Even if I took the master degree in China, the employment status won’t change a lot. Thus, I decided to study abroad. It can not only broaden my horizon but also provide me another path for my future career.

2.How did you find MGB? I would like to know the specific research you did.

Well. When I made up my mind to study abroad, I first choice was Canada, because people here are friendly to foreigners and immigrants. On the top of that, Vancouver and Victoria are more attractive to me because of their moderate weather, better environment and facilities. Since I don’t have enough working experience, I searched for the major connected with Business and I found this program. I realized that this program perfectly suits me, so I decided to apply for it at once.

3.Why MGB?

First off, this program provides me a chance to explore three or four different countries that I’ve never been to before, so that I could learn and discover various cultures and customs personally rather than from books or others’ perspectives. And I didn’t find any other program that offers such an international scope. I can work with students from different backgrounds and we can solve and tackle with assignments together. From this adventure I would have a comprehensive understanding of how international business works.

Also, not only can I travel to three different continents, but I am intrigued by the intership, from which I can put what I’ve learned into practice.

4.你还有申请别的项目吗(然后她解释这个不会影响我的录取 学校只是想大概了解)


All my friends and colleagues describe me as easy-going and reliable. Whenever they were in troubles, they would like ask me for helps. And I get along well with my friends because I always think from their perspectives.

这个项目的同学背景非常的多元化 你觉得你能给大家带来什么

Firstly, I am good at making arrangements and schedules. Two Years ago I successfully led a team to do volunteer teaching in Tibet. And I’d organized more than 100 volunteers to participate in Zhengkai International Marathon. I can make the whole team work more smoothly and confidently.

Secondly, as a candidate from China. I could cook delicious Chinese cuisine for them. I could show them about Chinese traditional cultures. I’ve done this well when I help some international students to adapt their lives in Tianjin and learn more about Chinese traditional cultures, such as papercutting, tea cultures and Nirenzhang etc. I can output Chinese cultures to my teammates and we can share our difference together.

6.How exactly could the course of MGB help with your future career goal?

global mindset that can contribute to problem solving and decision making
confident and skillful to work with colleagues from different countries
be more familiar with cultures and environment in North America and Europe.


I take charge of attendance management. I drafted rules and regulations for my manager. And I also moderate meetings sometimes. All in all, I am responsible for daily affairs in office.


上面的是我参照别人的面经自己写的稿子哈,下面才是面经。= =

面试我的是John Oldale, 一个可爱的头发白白的老头。

  1. 他先问我什么时候开始有出国留学的打算,为什么想要出国留学。
  2. 问我做了哪些research,怎么找到这个项目的。
  3. 问我为什么选择这所学校。
  4. 这些项目需要一些喜欢冒险,喜欢到处跑的学生。你是这样的学生吗?
  5. 你的朋友会怎么评价你?你自己怎么评价自己
  6. 你能给团队带来什么?你有什么一技之长?
  7. 你最喜欢的一门课以及你最不喜欢的一门课,为什么?
  8. 你还申请了哪些学校?

后来才知道John Oldale是学校那个系的副主任,之前也有人碰到他了,人很好说话,会引导你回答,会接受项目。然而我觉得表现的还行吧不过是进了waiting list,大家结合自己的情况回答。项目要的不是最好的candidates,而是最适合的candidates。




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