
LBS MFA 申请总结

[日期:2017-06-15] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:LeoZhang47 [字体: ]


录取了(部分学校有奖学金)LBS MFA, LSE MSc Management and Strategy, IC MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering, SDA Bocconi Master in Corporate Finance 被拒了 Cambridge Mphil Finance and Economics, UCL MSc Finance
最后决定去LBS MFA。


江西财经大学+University of Southampton 2+2 programme, 双学位-市场营销(专业top 5%)+BSc Economics and Finance (First Class Honour+Dean's List)
实习丰富- 起步于商业银行(2014 summer)、银河证券投行部(2015 summer)、London Boutique IBD(2016 summer)、毕业之后在这家boutique工作了一年,近期刚刚回国,最近在北京中信信托实习,最后决定今年8月去LBS读研究生
课外活动丰富- 社团,学生会,留学生组织队长,志愿者活动,金融比赛,LSE和Warwick经济峰会(两个不同的活动)etc...

申请LBS MFA也是一次非常偶然的事件。我当时还在伦敦工作,但打算读研究生,以及申请了LSE和IC。没打算申请LBS,一个是我感觉我GMAT不够高,二个是当时事件有点晚(2月末)。但是遇见了我一个很好地朋友Ryan (LBS MiM 2011),来伦敦出差,正好来看我,和我聊起我的职业规划和研究生申请的问题。他的热情和对LBS的描述感染了我,让我重新拾起了刷GMAT的动力和申请的欲望。于是便一发不可收拾,在伦敦IBD的工作强度很大,基本上我每天下班了,然后找个没人的会议室看两个小时GMAT,回家的时候路上连车都没有了,持续了2个月到4月上旬,GMAT实在刷不动了,Eassay(后边重点讲)写的也差不多了,于是递交了申请,两周拿到了面试,然后5月上旬面试完毕,5月下旬被waitlist(因为实在没有什么position了,MFA一年只收80个人左右,而且有diversity的限定,一个国家的人不能收太多),6月14号正式拿到offer。期间不断参加LBS的各种活动 - info session/ coffee chat、见了很多LBS的学生(MFA,MiM, MBA)了解了更多LBS的咨,和Admission Team互动频繁。正式总结LBS MFA申请之前,还要提到一些附加材料,除了规定要有的申请材料之外,我还邀请校友额外交了一封推荐信。被Waitlist的时候我的校友朋友以及MBA朋友还帮我交了推荐信,强推。

正式开始介绍LBS MFA 申请,欢迎讨论:


护照扫描件,CV(一页),两封推荐信(preferred academic+professional),application form,application eassy


CV一页,professional and clean;这个专业出去的大部分是IBD,所以简历筛选应该也会用投行的标准,不要犯低级错误-grammar, spelling and format etc;最好找专业的朋友改/校订8-10遍再定稿 推荐信建议和推荐人商量之后再提交,不完全是代写,而是明确告诉他/她,你希望再推荐中着重突出什么方面

application form有非常多且繁杂的问题,基本上填写完application form,申请人自己就对LBS是否适合自己,以及自己能否有机会拿到面试有个基本的感觉。从academic performance, career aspiration到personal interests,这些问题很立体地呈现了一个人的过去的表现。application essay则是着重于对候选人的潜力的发掘,因为基本上硬件够了,还得看软件,这就包括了是否对自己的决定有一个清晰的认识,Why LBS?这些到第四点再详细说。还有就是what makes you different? in other words, Why you?

3.application form问题分析

List any academic honours, awards or scholarships received - 凸显学习能力,这里建议不要只写奖项,把获奖的难易度体现出来,有几个人能获奖,把结果量化(e.g. 10/300, top 5% etc.)

Do you feel that your academic performance so far gives an accurate indication of your potential for success on the programme? If so, why? If not, why not? - 给转专业同学一个解释的机会,给学经济/金融/商科同学一个吹牛逼的机会

Have you ever received formal disciplinary action from an academic institution or been forced to withdraw from a course of study? If so, you must declare the information here? - 一般应该都没有,目前没见过有的

If you have ever received any awards or scholarships for achievements in sports, music, the arts or other, please provide details here: - 这里如果有的话,回答可以让你与众不同的 Please detail here any other achievements that you feel give an indication of your potential for success at London Business School, such as other qualifications earned or volunteer work - 把你自己最闪亮的东西秀出来-what makes you different?

Please detail any work experience that you have not highlighted already on your CV - 可以着重详细解释你引以为傲的工作经历(参与某个并购项目,做了某个量化研究)

If you will graduate from your current studies after submitting your application, what do you plan to do in the time you have prior to the start of the programme?
If you have already graduated, what activities are you planning between now and the start of the Masters in Financial Analysis in September? - 2选1填写;对未来的一个短期规划能力

What are your post-MFA career goals? Please state your ideal sector, role and function (300 words max) - 职业规划,可以写300字,写的具体些

What would be your Plan B career goals? (300 words max) - 商学院真的很看中placement rate,尤其是MFA这种新开的项目

Tell us about your main interests and activities in your free time - 又是一个可以凸显你与众不同的问题

Please tell us your most significant international experiences to date: (100 words max) - LBS很看重diversity,每个人最好都有国际化的视野和经历,这样在多元的环境里才能适应

Based on your current knowledge of the programme, what do you think will be the key challenges for you during the Masters in Financial Analysis, both academically and personally? How do you intend to overcome these challenges? (300 words max) - 展现你对MFA项目的理解,test whether you have done the research

Have you attended an event on or off campus where you met with representatives from the school? If yes, please tell us when, where and who you met. - 测试你对LBS的热情,是否有参加过他们的活动

We encourage applicants to take into consideration the impact of study on family and friends. Who have you discussed your plans with and what was the response? - 你是否是个善于分享和讨论的人,你周围的朋友quality如何,你家庭环境如何,这个问题可以问出来很多东西,如果你能察觉到的话

If you know any London Business School Alumni or Students, please give their names, graduating class and tell us how you know them. - 大胆去找校友给你推荐,那么你就会有第三封推荐信(校友直接发送给LBS admission team)

4.长Essay 分析

What motivates you academically, professionally and personally to further your interest in finance by pursuing the Masters in Financial Analysis?

How will you impact the London Business School community?
这个问题好好答,前边都过关的话,这个问题回答得好就可以让你脱颖而出。LBS希望能招收到最棒的学生,不仅仅是成绩好,背景强,实习丰富。还有很重要的是有趣,你能给LBS Community带去什么不一样的东西?这个要结合你自己的独特经历去写,与众不同,不要落入俗套的假大空。


CD上的面经以及足够丰富,不在赘述,况且我的面试非常flexible,没有任何常规问题,面试官想到什么问什么。我觉得面试还是要准备,把自己的材料租到足够熟练,然后financial modelling之类的投行面试问题准备一下,除此之外,对面试官的research,找到一个可以聊天的切入点也是个tips


d.多和LBS的学生联系,他们可以告诉你最真实的LBS生活(LBS每年都会发Class Dictionary,去项目官网下载)





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