
IC management 面经 [2017.04.16]

[日期:2017-04-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:wooopie [字体: ]

刚刚面完了IC 的管理Kira,CD的题库真的超级全。我把整理的题目都全部准备好了,所以面试的时候问的问题还算熟悉~分享自己整理的2017年IC管理的面筋,我自我感觉还是挺全的哈,至少我全中了。攒人品,好运~等我录取了,把作文整理的也发上来,再回报社会哈~


  1. Describe a time when you failed to meet a deadline and how did you deal with it?
  2. How are you involved with your community outside of the classroom? What impact have you made in this area?/讲一个课外活动,并且你在这一领域取得了多高的成就?
  3. 如何克服有人反对你/和队友意见不和怎么办
  4. first thing inspried you chose your career(写作)
  5. 给你个公司 corporate social responsiblity 你觉得这个重要么 /How do you think of corporate social responsibility? Is that important?


  1. Long-term goal you achieved, how did you plan for it?
  2. One of your future goal and your approach to it


  1. What is your hobby? how do you pursue it?
  2. 说一个你比较unusual的habits。通过什么机缘接触到。
  3. Your passion out of class and work, and what have you learned from it
  4. How are you involved with your community outside of the classroom? What impact have you made in this area?/讲一个课外活动,并且你在这一领域取得了多高的成就?
  5. 说说你的career之外的ambition
  6. What is your biggest passion outside of academic studies, how did you pursue it?
  7. How did you spend your time outside your study or work and why.(your passion outside of classroom)
  8. Skills that you found you have in hobbies/interests
  9. 有成就感的课外活动
  10. 你的hobby怎样帮助你的career?


  1. 失败经历或者是any trouble,setback
  2. Describe a difficulty you overcame, what made you through?
  3. Describe a time when you failed to meet a deadline and how did you deal with it?
  4. Biggest achievement/your proudest achievement
  5. The most adventurous thing you have done.
  6. Experience of helping others outside classroom
  7. 什么motivate你成功,为啥?
  8. How would you friends describe u?
  9. Introduce yourself for the interview of your dream job, show your confidence/你在10. career fair 遇到recruiter你怎样让他记得你


  1. Your team lost momentum/struggling, how to motivate/encourage them?
  2. If you are leading a team and the teammates all have different personalities. How will you get the best out of them?
  3. 如何克服有人反对你/和队友意见不和怎么办
  4. 你和一群新人组队,希望在团队中担任什么角色, 为什么?
  5. 如果要跟不认识的人组队,你会担任什么role?
  6. You are leading a project that is running out of funds, how would you convince the investor to distribute more resources?


  1. Tell a (business)news that you are interested in, what you learned from it?
  2. How do you keep your news up to date? Why is this important in business world?
  3. 成功的global企业都有什么共同的特点/羡慕的公司,为什么/给一个大公司的发展提一些策略性的意见
  4. 说一说你欣赏的公司,你的公司要如何和它竞争?
  5. 说一个小时候喜欢的领袖
  6. 企业生存的最好方法
  7. 说一个你觉得会变牛逼的企业
  8. 欣赏的商界领袖/成功的人有什么特点/你和他有什么相似之处?
  9. Challenges in business
  10. 欧对商业的影响
  11. 你怎样确定you are up to date of maketer(经销商)
  12. 给你个公司 corporate social responsiblity 你觉得这个重要么 /How do you think of corporate social responsibility? Is that important?
  13. Define entrepreneurial spirit




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