
Duke MQM面经 with ashlie goff [2017-03-28]

[日期:2017-03-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:feenes [字体: ]

本来是约上周五est9点面的, 结果坑爹的现在就夏令时了, 算错时间了啊啊错过面试, 只好改约今天,一开始ashlie自我介绍说是ao(但是居然是part time的...)

全程大概面了30分钟 中间我讲完然后她在记笔记, 没问我下一个问题, 所以有点冷场。。。

Ashlie语速不快 但感觉整个过程像问答, 不怎么像聊天,问题挺常规 也有几个没见过的

  1. self intro&walk through resume
  2. leadership experience/how do you inspire teamates
  3. leadership experience when you failed/what did you learn from it
  4. how do you approach a group of people that you know no one
  5. prefer working in team or alone
  6. which role in a team do you prefer
  7. important qualities of a tem member
  8. advantages&disadvantages
  9. how do your friends&family describe you
  10. 给你一分钟在ao面前会说什么
  11. why MQM
  12. what does fuqua means to you
  13. what are your first and choice of track?
  14. how do you improve your leaderdhip skills in fuqua
  15. Is there any experience that you use your network to get an internship
  16. how will you use your network at fuqua after you graduate
  17. what kind of job do you want after graduation
  18. 给你六个月你会干什么




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