
WFU MSBA interview with Neel 面经 [2017-03-03]

[日期:2017-03-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:AC9457 [字体: ]

Neel问我关于WFU觉得名声怎么样,我说我看Chase dream就有个数了...竞争激烈啊,我这是上一轮提交的申请活生生地被拖到了这一轮。


  1. 自我介绍 (originally from, why chose your undergraduate school)
  2. Why WFU and why WFU's MSBA?
  3. What tools do you use to organize? LZ从学习和工作还有日常生活三个方面列举tools
  4. How do you handle disappointment? Give out details and how did you overcome it.
  5. Two things you can bring to WFU's MSBA. (What skills you can bring to our program)
  6. What resources do you use to get information/stay informed?
  7. Describe a goal you didn't achieve and how you deal with it.
  8. What's the challenge for you to apply for our program?
  9. Share me an experience when you missed the deadline. How did you deal with it?
  10. Do you think what are the most important things in the teamwork?
  11. Other graduate schools?
  12. What your peer will describe you (2 positive and 2 areas need improvement)?
  13. A misperception of you -> how you overcome it?
  14. How do you hear about WFU?
  15. Share me an experience when you get a loss doing the thing you think is right.
  16. Describe a time when a teammate has different perspective with you and how did you deal with it?
  17. Tell me 3 points that you learned from your mentors at school/at work. (不一定是同一个人)


  1. 曾经有帖子说用手机webex方便或者视频录着手里再拿着手机打电话,这样可以避免视频与语音不同步。我觉得一半一半,在国内我录个kira都要一天的时间才能刷进去。在美国的小伙伴们或者网络条件好的同学们请放心使用电脑自带microphone讲话,十分的同步自然不卡。
  2. Neel和我说的是两周内出结果,无关第几轮申请。
  3. 关于这家的推荐信,小伙伴们可能都迷迷糊糊的。反正我的推荐人一直和我说没收到联系。今天问了问,说是面试之后如果还需要了解一些信息才会去找推荐人。如果一切顺利你可能到录取的时候都不会有人找你的推荐人。我觉得这样挺好的呀至少我的recommender可以缓一缓免得总见到我这个催命鬼呵呵。


2.2 提交申请,
2.4 kira面试邀请后第七天做完kira,
2.14邀请webex面试sign up 了最早
sign up 了最早 3.3下午3点的




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