
wfu kira 汇总 面经 [2017.02.26]

[日期:2017-03-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:challeng [字体: ]

之前整理了很多 希望对大家有帮助 攒人品 求offer!!!

  1. If you were going to write a book, what would you call it? What would it be about?
  2. Which person in your life do you talk to the most, and why?
  3. Outside school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? How has this helped you for the MSA program? extracurricular activity
  4. Tell me about a time when you were assigned a role on a team that you felt was not suited to your skills. What was the outcome of this situation?
  5. What is your earliest childhood memory? Why is it significant to you?
  6. What would you notice first about people? Why?
  7. What is the most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom or work place? What is the step to this accomplishment?
  8. 说一个你最引以为豪的skill
  9. 如果你可以邀请一个人和你共进晚餐,不管这个人是现在还活着的还是已经去世的,你会邀请谁?
  10. 在你本科的学术或课外经历里,举一个事情(activity)的例子,说明这件事怎么帮助你prepare you for study in the MSA program.
  11. (这个就是之前面经出现过的)你有一次在dysfunctional的团队里的经历,你是怎么去解决问题的?怎么把团队重新拉入正轨的?How could you bring everything on track?
  12. what's the best news you had today.
  13. What you admire most about your best friend.
  14. what's the best thing you have had so so far?
  15. What advice would you give to yourself as a 12-year-old child?
  16. How would your best friend describe you?Why?
  17. How do you handle stress?What strategy do you use?
  18. Type question: Give me an example of something that inspires you.
  19. 你的dream job
  20. What are your personal characteristics?
  21. A recent group project that you are proud to be part of. What role did you play? What contribution did you made to the group?
  22. 如果你中了lottery,你会等多久才告诉别人?
  23. the scariest experience
  24. if let you change one thing of the world, which would you choose
  25. tell me one interesting thing about you that you didn't include in your application
  26. If you can try out any job for a day, what kind of job do you want to do?
  27. What is most important to you in the life?
  28. 如果让你学一个random skill,你会学什么?
  29. 一次别人完全rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?
  30. 如果你中了lottery,你会等多久才告诉别人?
  31. 描述一个你的role model
  32. Tell us about something you've learnt recently?
  33. Who is the leader you admire the most?
  34. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
  35. Give me an example of something that inspires you.
  36. how to handle stress
  37. If you were going to write a book, what would you call it? What would it be about?
  38. What did you want to be when you were a kid? How has it changed?
  39. 你做过的scariest的事情是什么
  40. 你想对6岁的你一些什么建议
  41. 描述你理想的一天
  42. 最喜欢的一本书
  43. 促进人类社会更美好,做些什么
  44. Typing 最喜欢的电影、business leader、 favorite color




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