
HEC Montréal marketing PhD 面经 [2017.02.14]

[日期:2017-03-02] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:huangluo45 [字体: ]

HEC Montréal 是加拿大蒙特利尔大学下面的商学院, 法语为主, 也有部分英语授课的项目。学校历史悠久, 在加拿大商学院里面排名也不错。

我面试的是marketing 专业online consumer behavior/ e-commerce 方向。
导师是Dr. Senecal,他是专攻这两个方向的, 所以和我的研究兴趣很一致。

约的是中午12点半, 老师非常准时, 12点31分发来skype 视频, 我开始还以为会有至少2,3个人, 结果就他一个人。。。老师非常随和, 先和我聊了家常,


  1. why do you want to get a PhD degree ?
  2. Your research interests and why them
  3. Have you ever conducted scientific research?( not your master thesis) if not, how do you think you will be able to do them during your phd ?
  4. You mentioned you want to be a professor, what kind of schools you are looking to get in ? Teaching insensitive or research intensive?
  5. What do you expect from a PhD supervisor?6. You mentioned you can speak french, can we talk in french briefly?
  6. Have you applied other schools, and how likely you will you come to our school if we make your an offer ?
  7. Do you have any questions?

问题都还蛮简单的, 可以看出他对我缺少研究经历并不是很在乎,反而一直在说他那边的情况, 他有一个lab, 通过Neurological sensors研究消费者对不同购物网站的反应, 反正就让人感觉很高大上。

然后他谈了下fiance(2万五加币一年,不知道这个算还可以的吗?), teaching opportunities,最后他直接说I will make recommendation to the panel and let me know if you have any other offers from other schools.

总体很愉快的面试! 感觉这个导师对我印象应该不错, 主要就是研究方向一致, 毕竟这个方向的marketing的人比较少。

看结果吧! 大家加油




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