
UW MSIS Kira 面经汇总

[日期:2017-02-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:SukeyZhou [字体: ]

(此贴的UW学校是指University of Washington in Seattle,MSIS项目是Foster School of Business学院下的Master专业,请大家悉知。)


  1. Work experience with people of diverse backgrounds. How do you like it?
  2. What is your career goals?
  3. How are you familiar with an object development environment? What platform have you used?

以下题库(包括三大类共17问)将CD上的资源以及自己和朋友们面试遇到的问题做了分类整合。 希望能够帮助到未来申请这个项目的小伙伴们。

Part1 选择原因

  • 1.1 Why are you looking to pursue an MSIS from Foster at this time?
  • 1.2 The pathway that lead you to apply MSIS
  • (How did you become interested in Information Systems?)
  • 1.3 Why foster MSIS?
  • 1.4 What factors do you consider when approaching career decisions? What is the most important factor? (Career goals if you are admitted into Foster MSIS.)

Part2 自身经历

  • 2.1 Work experience with people of diverse backgrounds. How do you like it?
  • (What opportunities have you had working and collaborating in diverse settings?)
  • 2.2Tell us about a time when you changed your style to work more effectively in a team with people from different backgrounds.
  • (Describe the most innovative change that you have initiated and what you did to implement this change)
  • 2.3 one thing you want to change in the way of approaching challenges
  • 2.4 What is the project that you're most proud of? and describe your contribution.
  • 2.5 Tell us about a difficult decision you had to make recently. Walk us through the problem, what your thought process was and how you ultimately handled it.
  • 2.6 Give me a situation that you have to give someone a difficult feedback.

Part3 专业性问题

  • 3.1 what do you do to keep technical skills current?
  • 3.2 Give an example of an information systems-related idea that you’ve thought through or implemented.
  • 3.3 How are you familiar with an object development environment? What platform have you used?
  • 3.4 Tell us about your experience with databases. How have you used them and what platforms are you familiar with?
  • (How much do you know about databases? What platform are you familiar with?)
  • 3.5 Have you used data warehouse and data marts?
  • 3.6 How are you familiar with the protocols and infra-structural issues related to large-scale data networks?
  • 3.7 data network

https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1232990-1-1.html https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1241736-1-1.html




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