
Kira 注意事项 JHU 个人总结题库 面经 [2017.02.03]

[日期:2017-02-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:肉果果 [字体: ]

楼主申请的是MSF,大部分学校都要求kira interview.之前完全没有听过,论坛上看到很多吐槽它有多坑的帖子,在使用过程中也有很多问题,在网上没有找到解决的方案。




1.kira 是什么?


在申请后,学校会给你一个链接,点击进入后就是kira interview的网页版。筒子们可以使用网页版或者app进行面试。建议网页版,角度会比较好。但是如果在之后测试硬件时怎么都搞不定,还是用app吧。app在apple store里有,名字就是kira interview,绿色图标,很有辨识度,我就不贴图了。


第一项是 : 一般是一个学校的简介,你申请哪个就是他们自己录的一个介绍。我经常点开了加载不出来,并不是什么大问题。看不到也可以继续进行,没有影响。

第二项是 : kira这个应用要求你自已注册一个这个网站的用户。邮箱最好使用你的申请邮箱。很简单,也没有验证码什么的好像。

第三项就是 : 出现很多问题的硬件测试关,包括了测试你的浏览器,是否安装adobe flash,测试上传和下载的网速,测试摄像头和麦克风。

第四项是 : practice,每次会有两个问题,需要注意的是practice的要求可能和真正录制时的要求不一样。比如:practice是准备30s,录制1min,但是正式录制可能是录制1.5min。



如果用app的话,你需要用你注册这个软件的邮箱和一个access code进行登录。
access code是: 在打开网页版后的所有准备项下方的一行小黑字,一般是4位,所以学校提供的网页链接是不管使用什么方式都要首先打开的。输入这两个信息后,就会直接进入你的pratice页面。这就是用app的好处,不需要调试硬件,节省的时间都是2-3个小时啊啊啊。(楼主个人情况)
pratice是: 两个问题一周期。可以多次测试。之后直接进入正式录制。

2. 网页版的device setup 怎么搞!

第一 :是折磨的楼主已经学会了淡定。一边搞都能一边干点别的了。

第二 : 需要在浏览器内安装adobe flash插件,就是看视频的用的。如果大家不知道有没有装的话,提供一个傻瓜办法。随便打开一个视频网站,随便点开一个视频,能看的话就是装了,不能看浏览器会自动提示你安装,点击同意安装就行了。

第三 :就是测试download和upload的速度。
大家会看到一个圆,左边一半是下载速度,右边一半是上传速度。一个圆只要能走完,就是胜利,不管颜色怎么样。圆可能是一半灰一半绿,也可能是都绿或者都灰。绿色表示网速ok,灰色表示网速可能比较慢,也就是说有上传失败或者较慢或者卡顿的可能性。 一般上传会比下载慢很多。

1. 提高网速,搞个100M的带宽如楼主也会有失败的时候,还是经常。
2. 早晨5点起床,实测在早晨5-7点的时候经常很快。
1. 去网吧,但是呢,楼主去网吧可能是因为网吧设置问题,打不开这个网站...比较奇怪。
2. 试试试!今天不行明天来,总有一天网速快。

第四 :测试摄像头和麦克风。网站上这两项是分开测试的,楼主一起说了。
1. 摄像头很容易,网页会有提示,允许使用摄像头,选择记忆这个选项,adobe就会显示你的摄像头影像了。如果不行的话,看看是不是电脑问题。没有出现提示的话,在影像窗口上右键选 择设置。



用 https://www.onlinemictest.com/这个网站测试,不是广告,kira官网也是这么说的,贴出来省的大家麻烦地去看帮助了,大部分是没有用的!


为了方便search楼主加几个keyword大家可以忽略: kira microphone setup cannot catch hear 麦克风调试失败 听不到声音 不能录入






其实学校的问题一般就是个人问题,经历问题,还有why us。


30s preparation 60s response


  1. What do you find within Carey's MSF Program different from similar programs in other schools?
  2. 我们为什么要录取你
  3. 在JHU学习最大的挑战是什么?
  5. 你有什么ability或skill能带给carey的吗



  1. 想学的技能不在课程里怎么做?
  2. a situation where your actions have had the potential to compromise your professional reputation.
  3. 最近解决的一个道德问题是什么?
  4. What is the work document you recently wrote?
  5. provide one example you need lengthy documents
  6. tell me about a document you write to address in depth issue
  7. 如果你第一学期学习表现很差,你会有什么plan of action


  1. 完成的一件超乎预期的事情。
  2. 说一个不按计划进行的工作经历
  3. 说一个你寻求别人意见的经历
  4. 当你在进行一个group project时,你提前于别人做了小组计划中的一个action,你知道会有minor risk但你还是做了。问:你当时考虑了什么后果?最后的结果如何
  5. an example of task where you had to deal with ongoing distruptions or other stressful events.
  6. tell a recent school or work assignment you completed and how your strengths and limitations affected the outcome. What did you learn from this?
  7. Give us an example where you took some risk at work in order to achieve better result
  8. Please tell me about a time when you had to influence a few key stakeholders.
  9. an experience work with people who don't want to change his or her mistakes.
  10. Please give an example of a time when you dealt with a challenging individual who was resistant to change. How to persuade
  11. Can you tell us about a specific problem you have had to analyze? What components did you determine were contributing to the problem, and how did that help you find a solution?
  12. 讲述一次analyzed information to inform decision(可能不是和原题一模一样,但是大概是这样的)
  13. a time when you were able to foresee that a particular solution would be most successful in a specific situation. 你为什么认为这个solution有用
  14. 举例,在工作或学习中你觉得特别motivated的地方,what did you do, what was the outcome
  15. Tell a time when you face tight deadline. Tell us about an imminent issue and how you act to prevent further
  16. 举例:一般的方法不能解决,你想出了一个新方法来解决。
  17. Describe a situation where you had to defend a decision you made. Why did you feel that your decision was the best choice, and were any changes made to your decision due to discussion?
  18. 讲述你怎么说服人家让他对自己的行动负责的
  19. a time when you reviewed the work of others.
  20. 讲一个你们团队士气低落的时候
  21. 如何处理team中的conflict
  22. 问你和别人合作的项目有啥风险没,就是负面影响或者失败啥的,然后最终结果是啥
  23. 你做了超出你职责的事情在你的队伍中?work beyond your responsibility.
  24. an exhilarating experience
  25. en experience you have an alternative solution which is different from traditional solution.
  26. Please tell us about a time when you addressed an actual or potential ethical issue in your team.
  27. Describe how you dealt with an unusually heavy workload in the past.
  28. give an example when you dealed with distractions at work
  29. tell a situation where you identified a problem. How did you address在你解决一个问题的时候,做了哪些分析,这些分析给你带来了什么结果
  30. describe a time something went wrong with a task you team is working on.
  31. Describe a situation when you feel overwhelmed or stressed in work
  32. 你的同事在什么情况下会rely on you
  33. what is the important of the leadership in the organization
  34. 你最大的成就(be proud of)
  35. Describe a situation where you should interact with different individuals
  36. 描述在工作当中特别challenging,stressful的一件事,how to deal with
  37. 描述一段你觉得frustrated(or什么,记不清了)的经历
  38. When is the last time you work in a team? What role did you play?
  39. 讲述一个有失败风险的活动或者项目经历
  40. 最难的决定,最容易的决定
  41. 举一个例子说明你在多个solution中选择的情况
  42. a time when you were able to foresee that a particular solution would be most successful in a specific situation. 你为什么认为这个solution有用
  43. disagreement with colleagues or customers
  44. tell a time you need to use new approach to get better results at work.(improve the result)
  45. a situation that you assemble a team
  46. please describe a situation where you broke down a task into several steps.
  47. Provide an example of a time when you required assistance from a team member to complete a project or activity
  48. Tell me about your experience in working with community organizations
  49. How will you approach make difficult decision?
  50. Tell me about a time when you persuaded others
  51. give an example when you dealt with distractions at work
  52. Have you ever made a mistake on your work?How did you solve it?
  53. tell a situation where you identified a problem. How did you address
  54. Please tell me about a time when you noticed the morale of the team was low
  55. tell a setback you meet in job.
  56. situation that you do work above your resposibility
  57. 分享一个你向别人推销自己idea的例子
  58. 描述一次你是如何帮助你同伴的经历,说明过程和结果
  59. 你在完成一个正常目标的时候和不同文化的人合作?
  60. Tell me about a time when you worked with a culturally diverse team to accomplish a common goal. Or misunderstanding, 不是misagreement
  61. 讲述一件你想出innovative idea的事情,how do you think of this innovative idea?
  62. most innovative thing you did
  63. 在team work中有什么creative的advice?
  64. 讲述一次你improve the result for the organization
  65. Example you take the initiative to learn about different culture
  66. a time you engaged others to share ideas
  67. explain onetime you help your teammates work
  68. Have you ever made a mistake on your work?How did you solve it?
  69. Describe a time you show appreciation and how the appreciation are received by other people?
  70. please tell me about a time when you were upset or angry at work
  71. give an example of a time when you were responsible for providing accurate info to others,讲述一个你需要提供detailed信息的经历
  72. Tell us a time you have assisted others
  73. Discuss a time you have to learn on the job
  74. 讲述一次ask for help
  75. 貌似是说明在工作中遇到的问题,
  76. What project you work on is critical on accuracy?
  77. made team recommendation which have long term implications
  78. 工作中你注意到的别人都没注意到的但很重要的地方


  1. 讲述一个你觉得自己需要make improvement的时候
  2. 如果你有无限的金钱和才华,你想干什么事
  3. Which part of the world facsinates you most?
  4. 描述一个你要告诉别人坏消息的情景,说明你是怎么做的,别人是怎么反应的?
  5. 你在什么地方什么时候坚持了诚实
  6. What does it mean to you to be an involved alum? (什么样的学生是Involved Alumni)
  7. 用三个词形容你自己
  8. 这个世界上的最重大的经济问题是什么?
  9. 什么道德危机
  10. 全球经济发展的阻碍你认为是什么
  11. 过去6个月你认为世界上发生的最重要or很重要的一件事是什么?
  12. 英国退出欧盟5年后世界经济的变化
  13. important skills for future success
  14. Which part of the world facsinates you most?
  15. Define success in team project
  16. 你更喜欢individual 还是team work?
  17. 学习工作之外的什么事情是你花费最多时间的,为什么?
  18. please explain under what circumstance you changed your priority?
  19. 描述一次你是如何帮助你同伴的经历,说明过程和结果。
  20. the person u admire
  21. 你在sport或hobby中学习到了什么discipline?
  22. 当你有一个postive 和 negative feedback 要向上级汇报,你会如何用一个professional的方式汇报。
  23. if you were starting your own business what is your first steps.


  1. job hunting plan
  2. how do you manage your yesterday?
  3. 你怎么计划你的工作
  4. what's your plan to get employment after graduate
  5. tell me sth you planned to do that you did not work out




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