
UCD-Kira MPAC R2面筋~ [2017-01-26]

[日期:2017-02-15] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Yuxin6 [字体: ]


1.Short termand long term goal.
2.讲一件自己曾经willing volunteered去做的事,并说明是什么地方有趣,为什么有趣
3.Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable ina new environment. How did you adapt?
5.What challenges doyou expect to face while attending graduate school? How will you handle these?

现在已经几乎想不起来我面试的表现了= = 紧张到面瘫。。。讨厌机器人面试/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~


最后祝大家过个好年~ Offer多多~加油!

UC-Davis Kira


Yourself & Why UCD
1、 Please briefly introduce yourself and give us an overview of your background.Why have you decided to apply to the MPAc program at UC Davis?
2、 Do you feel your academic record accurately reflect your ability and potentials?
3、 Why would you like to attend the MPAc program at UC Davis?
4、 Describe your perfect post MPAc job and why does that appeal to you?
5、 Please share three things you would like the admissions committee to know about your background.
6、 What you will introduce yourself when first meet your team?
7、 Why would you be an asset to the MPAc program? / What do you feel is your greatest personal asset? What is a something you want to improve upon? / What skills and experiences do you feel have prepared you for admission to this program?
8、 Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
9、 Why do you think you are a good fit to the MPAc program?
10、 talk about your weakness and how you improve..
11、 Short term and long term goal.
12、 What do you think Davis would help you with your short-term and long-term goal?
13、 简历和PS上没有提到的事情

Relation with others
1、 Who was your favorite professor and how did he or she influence your decision to pursue your major?
2、 how your friend / professor describe you in three words
3、 What is the best constructive criticism you have received?

1、 Please describe a time when you had a conflict with a group member. How did you handle it? What was the outcome.
2、 What strategy did you use to motivate your team when they were flagging?
3、 讲一个你帮助做不是自己分内的事情
4、 Think of an actual situation in which you faced a difficult and time-consuming task. How did you show perseverance?
5、 Imagine yourself on a team. What would be your ideal role, and why would that position be the most suitable for you?
6、 If you had conflicting opinions on a team project, what strategy would you use to resolve the difference?
7、 一个团队要成功需要怎样的品质
8、 你依赖团队成员完成一项任务的经历

Academic Field
1、 What do you consider to be the most important developments in the field of accounting over the past ten years?

1、 What challenges do you expect to face while attending graduate school? How will you handle these?
2、 if you can read a biography of someone, who will you choose
3、 What do you think a team leader should be like
4、 如果没有限制没有束缚,你想如何去生活,是工作还是其它。

Other Experience
1、 Tell me a time when there are multiple things in your plate (plate... WTF), how did you prioritize them?// How do you manage your time when you have several competing demands on your time?
2、 Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable in a new environment. How did you adapt?
3、 What activities do you enjoy most outside of the classroom?
4、 Tell us about a recent problem or challenge that you faced and how you handled it.
5、 Please describe a time that you faced an ethical dilemma.
6、 Tell me the biggest risk you have taken and what the outcome?n
7、 Describe your greatest accomplishment.
8、 How do you define success?
9、 Describe a time when you had a chance to delegate responsibilities
10、 你觉得什么事情是你想去做但是有什么东西阻碍你,你怎么解决的
11、 讲一件自己曾经willing volunteered去做的事,并说明是什么地方有趣,为什么有趣。
12、 说一个你had to exhibit tenacity(坚韧性)的经历




打印 | 录入:steven


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