
6月7号SH,MBA,1000PASS,share exp.

[日期:2006-06-07] 来源:ChaseDream签证专区 作者:arecoo [字体: ]

Background: 去年毕业,本科国内牛校,外贸公司工作一年,40% tuition waive,美国大学排名一般。

ME: Good morning, sir!
VO: 不语,让我按指纹。

VO: Well, you work in XXX company now?
ME: Yep, my position is..., and I am mainly reponsible for...

VO: Why MBA?
ME: Because a bachalor degree provides me limited management skills and related knowledges, I'm sure it is necessary  to persue a MBA degree for my future career development.

VO: Why choose this Univ? How did you konw it?
ME: I met Ms. XXX in the Shanghai International Education Exhibition in Feb. this year. She is the associate director of international admission of XXX. From her I got to know XXX, and found that its business school owns a very good reputation in USA, especially in the western America. I also introduce myself to her, after knowing aboutmy background, she strongly recommended me to apply for the MBA programe in XXX, and told me it was great possible for me to get the admission.(很庆幸,VO没打断我:P)

VO: Your sponsor?
ME: My parents.

VO: What do they do?
ME: My father is..., My mother is...

VO: Their salaries?
ME: Balabala

VO: Show me your shcolarship offer
ME: Here you are(呆了一下,还以为向我要银行存款了)

VO: In the I20, you have XXX USD as the international shcolarship, and I need your scholarship offer, not the admission!(说完把I20表转向我,指着奖学金那一栏。)
ME: -_-!!!Sorry, the scholl did'nt send me the offer...

VO: Show me the bank certificate

VO: Your resume(拿着和DS表比对了一下)
VO: 你通过了(给绿条)
ME:Thank you!




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